Change the context menu of [Tables]?

Hello @All,

is it possible to change the context menu of [Tables] to use [View...] instead of [Alter Table...] when double-clicking (as default) ?

Similarly with [Programability], there the [Alter Stored Procedure in Editor] should be used instead of [Alter Stored Procedure].

Thanks for your help


Yes, please, to both of these.
I know I've seen the [Alter Stored Procedure in Editor] be requested as the default before, and it make so much more sense. Or even better, give us an option to choose the default action.

Mike Webster

I've answer from support:
> Unfortunately, this is not possible. You can use Toad Data Point instead. It has different double-click actions, but this is not possible in Toad for SQL Server.
> Please let me know if you have any other questions.
a pity, would have been nice. :frowning:

please add this as an idea so that others can vote for it.
We may add it as an enhancement request if other users vote for it too.

Where or how can I enter this as an idea ?

PS.: soory :slight_smile: found :slight_smile: