code / text not formatting correctly

I am using Toad for Oracle My code and text explain plan are not coming aligned. However, if I copy them to sql developer or notepad++ , it comes properly aligned like shown in the middle (2nd) picture. Could anyone please suggest what am I doing wrong?


Change your Editor font to one that is monospace like Courier New. I believe it is on the Editor|Display page in Options in 12.6.

On Feb 6, 2016, at 10:06 AM, sabinpradhan wrote:

code / text not formatting correctly

Thread created by sabinpradhan

I am using Toad for Oracle My code and text explain plan are not coming aligned. However, if I copy them to sql developer or notepad++ , it comes properly aligned like shown in the middle (2nd) picture. Could anyone please suggest what am I doing wrong?


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Wow… This fixed it. Many thanks.