Li0st of columns is not being displayed - only cursor changes for a half of sec when I try to get list of columns displayed at the end of this sql
select * from table1 d where not exists (select 1 from table2 h where h.
Li0st of columns is not being displayed - only cursor changes for a half of sec when I try to get list of columns displayed at the end of this sql
select * from table1 d where not exists (select 1 from table2 h where h.
Do you have the option to show available variables/parameters or expected tokens included in the Code Insight options? If so there was a bug that caused this behavior. It's fixed for next beta.
On 02/23/2015 04:39 AM, fisher_359 wrote:
Thread created by fisher_359
Li0st of columns is not being displayed - only cursor changes for a half of sec when I try to get list of columns displayed at the end of this sql
select * from table1 d where not exists (select 1 from table2 h where h.
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Yes I’ve available Variable/parameters checked.
Ok, today's beta should have this knocked out.
On 02/23/2015 09:51 AM, fisher_359 wrote:
Reply by fisher_359
Yes I've available Variable/parameters checked.
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