Connection timeout


It happens to me that after a certain period of inactivity (lets say 30 min), when i try to run query from editor, i got the “connection closed error” (see screen shot), even in Connection Manager connection is active.

Toad is LUW with x64 DB2 client version 9.7 FP8 on Win 7 x64, and db server is Linux 9.7 FP8 DPF.



There are various ways for the server to close idle connections. Toad doesn’t actively check if a connection remains open. It only knows when it tries to do some work. I’m guessing the same thing will happen if you open a CLP connection and let it sit for a certain period of inactivity.

Tnx Adam.

The point is that i just moved from Toad LUW 5.6 to 6.0, and on 5.6 i didn’t had any problems with timeouts - i was connected basically 24/7 to our server. Environment is the same.



You mentioned a screenshot in your 1st post, but I don’t see it. Can you send it please?


Hi Ivan,

I have not been able to recreate this exception. Are you able to consistently reproduce the error? If so, please send me step-by-step instructions. Are you running Toad with AutoCommit ON?

One obvious difference between your 5.6 and 6.0 environments is you’re using a different client for 6.0. Does the default client have any special configuration (db2cli.ini)?


Hi Adam,

For 5.6 i had 32 bit db2 client, now along with Toad 6.0 i have removed 32 bit and installed 64 bit db2 client - no special configuration in db2cli.ini, AutoCommit is ON and in toad options i have “Use individual connection for each open editor” OFF(unchecked).

You can try to reproduce error like this:

Start Toad, connect, open few editors with sql and execute them. Then don’t use Toad for min 30- 60 min, and then try to run sql from last opened editor. You should see background process for sql running and then, because closed connection, error from screenshot appears.

When you close the window with error message, Toad will reconnected again end queries can be executed normally.



Sorry Ivan, I still can’t recreate the exception. The problem almost has to be a coding error. Even if I intentionally close the Toad connections I can’t get your particular exception.

What SQL are you executing in the editors? Are there any other non-default Toad options? Any special editor options?

Hi Adam,

Noting special for options beside “Use individual connection for each open editor” unchecked and “show line numbers” checked, i just have customized view and no action for connection documents when connections are opened (last page of configuration wizard). The sql is not important, you can use simple “select * from syscat.tables” or any other. Also i tried to kill my toad connections on db server, but toad successfully reopens them on next query execution as it should. Anyway, i will let you know if i have any other details.

