Converting from Brio to TDP

Hi, I am in the process of converting all of our hyperion brioqueries to TDP queries. There is some functionality in Brio that I can not seem to workaround in TDP. Can you please let me know if there are workaround for the following?

  1. Grouping separate but related queries together to save within one file?
  2. Create, modify, and save new tables from the results of a ran query?
  3. Summing the column totals of the results? (When I tried to right click I’m not getting anything it just says ‘Sum=’)


Hope it helps

  1. Grouping separate but related queries together to save within one file?
    TDP has SQL Edtior which you could put all sql there and save as .sql file or .tef file for later using, .sql file hold sql only .tef file also stores query result, both need manually grouping . is this you are looking for?

  2. Create, modify, and save new tables from the results of a ran query?
    Yes TDP can do all if I understand right. You can send the result of query to Transform Cleansing to polish data first then save modified data to Local Storage as a new table and use it like normal database. Toad also has Data Profiling and Dim Viewer, depends on how you modify data.

  3. Summing the column totals of the results? (When I tried to right click I’m not getting anything it just says ‘Sum=’)
    Not support it now if you mean r-click query result to get column totals.

Let me know if you have more questions


When I say group Queries together, in Hyperion we were able to add a new section consisting of multiple queries, tables, and/or pivots. I’m trying to convert these sections over to TDP as closely as possible as the users of these queries are not technically savvy.

I will try the transform and cleanse for creating multiple tables from the results of a query.

Could you show some examples so that i can better understand how you group queries? and email to :
