Crashing Toad DB2 5.5..

Hi Im a long time user of TOAD back when it was version 2 and purely for Oracle. I loved the product then it was very stable and generally made our lives better. I loved the community around it always willing to help and improve the product.

I was purely and Oracle developer back then, these days i use several differant databases and found it great that i had a product that works similar but on different DB titles.

I have been trying to use TOAD for DB2 for 3 years now and always upgrading to find an illusive version of the tool that will not crash. I honestly cant undersatnd how the tool crashes so much for such a mature product. Im now running version Fairly recent version. It crashes when i run a script where it is essentially doing nothing but running stored procedures on a database in a scripting type environment.

Can someone please suggest a fix or a version of the tool that is slightly reliable. After many years of using it im starting to think i need to change tools which would be very sad.




I can understand why you’d be frustrated. I’d like to learn more about your scenario that would crash Toad in multiple versions. While I’d recommend our latest release, v5.6, let’s get to the bottom of your use case first. I’m the Product Manager for Toad for DB2. Please email me at with your contact information. I’d like to set up a call with you so we can understand better what’s not working and get it resolved.

Best regards,
