My IT guy gave me full admin access to sql server,… supposedily. However, when I try to create a job in Toad, I receive an error message that says “Permission Denied to object…” Does anyone know how I can troubleshoot this issue? I am trying to schedule a sql job to run weekly. We are running SQL Server 2005.
My IT guys is not a SQL guy but I have access to the SQL Server. Can you provide me with steps on how I can check the access level for my account? Many many thanks!
Thanks for your reply. This will be very useful. I’m not in the office now but it sounds like I don’t have the proper permissions. Please assist me with the following:
I do have access to log onto the sql server machine. Where can I go to give my user account full access to sql server?
Just because you can log on to the server does not mean that you have the proper
permissions to alter your SQL Server permissions.
Your account has to be assigned to the SQL Server admin group to be able to have
that permission. You use the SA account to log in and initially give users and
the SQL Server Service Agent admin rights when you set up the server. Then once
there are admins on SQL Server, they can add AD accounts and SQL Server accounts
(if you are in mixed mode) to SQL Server and give them the proper permissions.
If you are not an admin on SQL Server or logging on with an account (SQL Server
or AD account) that has admin rights already, you will not be able to elevate
your own permissions.
You would need to know the SA password and log on as SA, log on as the service
account (assuming that you have an AD account running your SQL Server Agent and
it has admin rights to SQL Server), or have a current Admin modify your rights
on SQL Server to be able to give your own account those rights.
Once you are an Admin of SQL Server, you can do whatever you
Open SQL Server Management Studio from your desktop (you don’t need to log
onto the server) and instead of logging in as Windows Authentication, select
SQL Server Authentication and enter SA as the log in and then the SA password.
Once logged in, go to Security/Logins and you should see your AD account in
there as .
Right click on your account and select Properties, and click on Server Roles. If
you are comfortable with full access, I would just check them all.
Click OK, then close SQL Server Management Studio and then open it again and log
on as you and see if you still get your error. You shouldn’t.
Since you do not know how to do this basic SQL Server admin task, be careful in
SQL Server as you now also have full rights to screw up everything now! J Where
your previous account permissions might have been just read only on a few
I am not sure if they’ve installed the client tools (MSSQL Server Management Studio) on the server box or does it automatically get installed when you install sql server 2005? If its not automatically installed when sql server gets installed, are there instructions for assigning privledges from Toad when logged in as SA?