Trying to do a cross-connection query between DB2 & Impala . We are required to have a "set request_pool = " statement before the query. However , the cross-connection query gives a " cross query database error " for the set statement . Any ideas how to add it correctly ?
set request_pool = '';
SELECT A.CUSTNUM, C.ach_transaction_amt
FROM Impalal CDP BDO Test-02 (pl9999)
.codhd01p_tm.ach_details_history C
join PGH_DB2V (pl70206)
on A.ACCTNUM = C.ach_orig_acct_number
limit 10
The challenge here is that the technology that parses the cross query SQL into two statements (one for impala and one for DB2) does not understand that the "request pool" statement applies to the impala side of the statement, so it cannot parse this statement. I am not deep on impala, but is there any way to add this "set request_pool" statement to the connection string associated with the impala connection so that that statement is sent when you make the connection to impala, so does it need to be associated with this particular query?
good idea, but it gives me the same access error as if I didn't put it as the 1st statement in query .
Hmmm.. not sure what next steps would be here. Does it work if you are not doing a cross-connection query?
Yea it works fine for a regular query
Thanks, Jason