I'm using Toad version 6.5 for DB2 (Expert edition) to compare data in a table that contains fields that are GENERATED - ALWAYS (as-row-transaction-timestamp-clause etc. ).
In the window that shows the fields that can be selected these fields are hidden, but when
I create a script to make the Target like Source, these fields are included in the SQL statement and cause the inserts to fail, as these fields cannot be inserted or updated by the user.
Sorry - I somehow missed this post.
I know toad has some limitations when dealing with generated columns in the data compare feature.
Please attach a copy of your table's DDL so I can investigate further.
Hi Jeff,
Before sending you the DDL I figured I should try it again to see the problem again.
Lo and behold, this time I see the auto-generated fields and I can un-select them.
Maybe there was some glitch in how the fields were defined that caused me not to see them in the field list. Maybe they were there and I just missed them ( I doubt that, but who knows).
Thanks anyway,
Hi Jeff,
As we are chnaging the way we save our archived data, we added HISTORY tables to many of our tables. This requires adding a few columns that are not update-able.
I would like for Toad not to add these columns to the compare process ( at least this should be the default), as the inserts and updates fail if these columns are part of the SQL INSERT or UPDATE statements.
I had one of our SQL experts write a script that enable me so produce a set of MERGE INTO statements, base on one set of DATA in order to copy / update this DATA in other schemas.
This is something I requested as a feature and you said that you requested it for a future version.
This script tests for the attribute update = "Y" in SYSIBM.SYSCOLUMNS. I will try to send it to you, so that you can easily see how this can be done.
I'm running into this problem more often now.
Even checking the ignore timestamp columns option, the resulting script DOES include the timestamp fields.
As these columns are not updateable by the user the script fails.
For each such type of table, I have to manually un-check all the timesatmp and ST_OPERATION ( which is the type of operation on the row) column.
P.S. I just installed Toad for DB2 z/OS version 7.2
I do not understand what you mean by: ST_OPERATION
Please email me a set of DDL of one of your tables so I can understand what you mean.
Hi Jeff,
Enclosed find the create script for the table.
Thanks Shimon.
I have recreated this issue in house and have opened ticket TMB-3512 to track that issue.
Not sure when a fix for that will be available.
Thanks again for all the details.