Data Compare DB Schema


Does Toad Edge also has a data-compare option/feature.

Till now I’m using the ‘old’ Toad for MySQL.
But in that version I facing Connection Timeout issues that I can’t solve.

Has someone suggestions on this part

Thanks for eventually suggestions

Hi, data compare is not available in Toad Edge yet. But adding this feature is on the table. Please create ideapond article to get more support also from other users. Anyway, we will discuss about this feature and we will let you know about the status.
Miroslav Stanik


Thanks for your reaction.
Till then I will/must use the ‘old’ Toad for MySQL (8.0) for the data-compare.

But as mentioned in there I’m facing connection-issues during the schema compare :frowning:
Is there a place where I can discuss that.

Thanks in advance

@Julie_Hyman, can someone from Toad Data Point help with this issue?
Miroslav Stanik