Is there a workaround to this error, so that I can continue doing my comparisons including MariaDB databases?
The comparisons would generate the message, because MariaDB has different tables. May be the system schemas information_schema and performance_schema should be omitted from the comparison.
this issue is probably caused by comparing older version of MariaDB - we officially support Maria 10.1 (10.2 should work as well). Both of these already contain INNODB_SYS_DATAFILES table.
Currently there is no plan to support older version.
I did not found where I can ommit the information_schema comparison. I think Toad do not compare them directly, but uses information stored in information_schema to do the comparisons on those tables that I have selected.
MariaDB version that I am tring to compare is 5.5.41 (on an old Debian Wheezy).
I have found that the old “Toad for MySQL” (not available to download anymore and droped in favor of “Toad Edge”) works correctly on this MariaDB 5.5.x version, althought “Toad for MySQL” does not have the report functionality that I need and that “Toad Edge” offers greatly.