Default fetch records not working

In Workbook, I have the defaults set to 'Unlimited':

But when creating a new workflow, it still defaults to 1000:

Hello eric.hoover.
I have workaround for you:
set number of rows in Workbook window upper right corner:
Just select "Fetch all" or "Fetch number of rows" and enter number you want.
If you need any further assistance, I'll be happy to help.
Best regards.

Thanks dragan. The issue is I want it to default to 'Fetch All' instead of having to change it every workflow I create.

You set it ONCE for a single workbook. No need to adjust for every workflow. Try and you'll see.
Once selected, it applies for every workflow in the same workbook.

It should default to ALL for every new workbook, but it does not

Hello Eric,

Thank you for bringing this to our attention. Indeed, we've identified the issue you mentioned.

You can expect the fix to be implemented in one of our upcoming releases. Once it's resolved, you'll find detailed information about it in our Release Notes (Resolved Issues section) under the reference code QAT-17938.

If you have any further questions or encounter any other issues, please don't hesitate to reach out.

Hello Eric,

Thank you for bringing this to our attention. Indeed, we’ve identified the issue you mentioned.

You can expect the feature to be implemented in one of our upcoming releases. Once it’s implemented, you’ll find detailed information about it in our Release Notes (New Features section).

If you have any further questions or encounter any other issues, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Best regards.