Editing CLOB data - SQL Nav

Good day

We edit CLOB columns through SQL Navigator, by double clicking on the column and pasting text into the CLOB editor.

However, when the source that we copy into the CLOB column contains a line of more than 1024 characters, it truncates the row.

Attached are 2 notepad files. We take the text just as they appear in both and copy them into the CLOB column. You will see that in 2nd file, the lines of texts are significantly longer.

  1. works fine in 6.2.1
  2. doesn’t work in 6.2.1

This has always worked perfectly in Navigator 5 and as a workaround we use Nav 5 to edit our CLOB columns.

Is there’s a limit on the number of characters in a row that you can put in the CLOB editor? Is there a setting that controls this?

Thanks in advance!

Kind regards,

  1. works fine.txt (10.4 KB)

  2. doesn’t work.txt (9.14 KB)

Hi Annelize,

What do you mean by ‘truncates the row’? I tried both and they look normal to me. Could you please post snapshots of what you get for both file after pasting in the CLOB editor?


Hi Gwen

An update on the problem that I reported re CLOB data in the database.

Like I said above, we edit CLOB columns through SQL Navigator, by double clicking on the column and pasting text into the CLOB editor.

When we update a CLOB with text in 6.2.1 something goes wrong and our application doesn’t read the data back correctly.

However, when we use Nav 5.5 to do exactly the same everything works perfectly.

We are not able to figure out what the problem is. I guess the place to start would be determining what changed in the way that Navigator handles CLOBS between 5.5 and 6.2.1?

Kind regards,

Gwen, Annelize,

I’ve inserted a line of 4000 characters in a clob field in both SQLNav 5.5 and 6.3, and then reselected the row and reopened the clob.
Attached are screenshots of what is shown in both SQLNav versions.
It would seem that in 6.3 (and presumably 6.2, too), the single line gets “chopped up” and a a newline character is inserted after each 1024 characters.

Gwen, Annelize,

I've inserted a line of 4000 characters in a clob field in both SQLNav 5.5 and 6.3, and then reselected the row and reopened the clob.
Attached are screenshots of what is shown in both SQLNav versions.
It would seem that in 6.3 (and presumably 6.2, too), the single line gets "chopped up" and a a newline character is inserted after each 1024 characters.

CR 7564 has been created on your behalf.

Best Regards,

Thank you

Hi Jeff

Has this been fixed in 6.3? I can’t seem to find CR 7564 in the release notes for the latest release. (Unless I’m looking in the wrong place)


Hi Annelize,

This CR has NOT been addressed yet in 6.3. The CR currently targets for the next release 6.4.

Thanks and regards,

Thanks Bruce, this means that we have to continue using Navigator 5.5 to update our CLOB columns. This is a bit of a pain… Do you have a release date for 6.4?


Hi Annelize,

Sorry that we could not get it addressed for you yet in 6.3.

We are trying to get the E-Control 3rd party component to give us the Unicode support and fix this issue at well.

We do not have a solid release date for 6.4 yet, but it should be around late Sept/early Oct. We will be able to provide the changes in a early 6.4 beta build. We will keep you posted when the 6.4 Beta program will start…


seems to be fixed in6.4 beta build 1881


Is this issue addressed by CR 11474 in the following document?


I do not know if that is the CR# but the reported problem was fixed during the beta and it’s fixed in the 6.4 final.

Hi Annelize,

Yes, I can confirm that this problem has been fixed. The cell editor has been replace with the Econtrol component. The work has been done for your CR and CR 11474. Sorry that some of the CR we raised for you and the Beta community, we did not flag some as external/community, and they would not be picked up in the list we published. You can go ahead to get v6.4 and work and update CLOB data.

Please let us know if you have any issue.

Thanks and regards,

Perfect, this works now.
Thank you!
