ER diagram relationships

Is it possible to see explicitly on the ER diagram what columns participate in the relationship?

If such feature doesn’t exist today, here is my proposal.

It would be a good idea to show it through mouse hovering on top of the relationship line and a tooltip.

Or as a second option, right mouse click and show (not existing today) option: Relationship property.



The ER diagram picture draws the relationship with a line that has two two icons on each end - a key on one side (the “parent” table) and a chain link on the other side (the “child” table.) The icons are placed on the same line as the column(s) that forms the relationship.

Sometimes that can be hard to see (especially with several columns on the relationship.) Then you can double-click on either of the table names, which will open an Object Details window (by default this is a docked window at the bottom of your screen.) You may need to resize the Object Details window by dragging its top size bar up.

In the object details window, click on the constraints tab (make sure that the object details window is tall enough to show the list of constraints). Select the constraint and you will see the participating columns in the bottom of the object details window.

If this is not clear let me know and I can send you a screenshot.

I agree, it would be nice to show this information in a tooltip or through some shortcut menu. I will discuss this possibility with our development team.

Thanks for the workaround.

I am using Microsoft Access 2003.
I tried to follow your instructions.

The only available tabs are the following:

  • Columns
  • Data
  • Indexes
  • Primary Keys
  • Foreign Keys
  • Privileges

Unfortunately, there are no relationships.
So tooltips and/or separate tab for the relationships are still needed.


I think we all are going to have to get used to stating what connection type we are talking about. Jacques is talking about a tab that is only available with the Oracle provider. What type of connection are you using? And if ODBCm what type of database?

As I mentioned, I am using Microsoft Access 2003.
The connection to it was created by the native facilities of Toad for Data Analysis in the Navigation Manager pane. The connection shows up just under Access ‘Toad Sample Database’ which comes by default with the installation.
So, no ODBC is in use.


I should mention that even though Access connections are shown in a separate group in the Navigation Manager, we are using an ODBC connection to the Access database.

I am not sure if it makes sense for you, but you could use Microsoft JET provider for Access. At least, it is a native provider for MS Access.
