There is a feature that was in the CASE Studio version of this product that seems to be missing in the TOAD Data Modeler version. When designing an Entity in CASE Studio, there was a tab called Relationship that would show both the Parent Tables and the Children tables. I am not seeing the equivalent tab in TOAD Data Modeler, is there any easy way to see all related tables (other than creating a separate Workspace and right clicking to get the “Fill Parent and Child Objects” option)? If not I would request that the “old” functionality be restored of having a separate tab called Relationship directly in the Entity Properties Dialog. Thank you.
This tab is available in TDM 3. Please open the Entity Properties form, Relationships tab (see the attached screenshot).
On this tab, double-click the entity (column Entity) opens the Entity Properties form, double-click the relationship (colum Relation) opens the Relationship Properties dialog.
If you have any questions, please write me back.
Is there something I need to do to make that Tab visible? This is what I see when looking at Entity Properties and I am running version
Is there something I need to do to make that Tab visible? This is what I see when looking at Entity Properties and I am running version
yes, please ugrade to version 3.5.