What is?
What where when how ? Some more informations could be helpful.
What value do you have in preferences for time displaying format?
“Return Value” VARCHAR2(4000);
p_statistics_cursor CURSOR_TYPE_1;
– Now call the stored program
“Return Value” := monitoring.set_monitoring_nls_format(’.’, ‘,’, ‘YYYY.MM.DD HH24:MI:SS’, ‘YYYY.MM.DD HH24:MI:SS’, ‘YYYY.MM.DD’, ‘HH24:MI:SS’);
– Output the results
dbms_output.put_line(SubStr(’“Return Value” = '||“Return Value”,1,255));
– Now call the stored program
“Return Value” := monitoring.get_statistics_history_report(SYSDATE-365,SYSDATE,p_statistics_cursor);
– Output the results
dbms_output.put_line(SubStr(’“Return Value” = '||“Return Value”,1,255));
dbms_output.put_line(SubStr('Error ‘||TO_CHAR(SQLCODE)||’: '||SQLERRM, 1, 255));
When i execute SQL-statement in SQL Navigator:
**************WHEN OTHERS THEN
Time displaying format is HH24:MI:SS.
Did U saw any outputs with return value? Did this code completed succeslly? Have you tried to run tihs code with server output turned off ?
Code of return value I receive expected. Code completed successfully.
So when this error occured? During or after execution?
You can enable sqlnav trace in your preferences, sqlnav.log would be created in sqlnav directory in your profle.
It is difficult to tell, when error occured as Statement processed in 0.02 sec
Error message “Invalid time display option” occured in General tab of Output window, not in Session tab.
And the message appears only if enabled PL/SQL Debugging.
The file sqlnav.log is not present.
In a file error.log:
v5.5.0 2007-02-13 6:05:08 PM Exception Exception in module SQLNav5.exe at 00A2CF66. Invalid time display option.
After enabling Trace log stored to a file navlog0000.log
The file is big - 12Kb, but error message not found in file.
Only from PL/SQL Debugging.
The error message does not depend from enabled/not enabled Server Output.
navlog0000.log (11.7 KB)
Ok, i think that sqlnav team must look on this, it could be some debugger errors…
Thank you Piter for your help.
Welcome to the Community, serz62
This may be a bug or some configuration issue - further investigation is required. Please log this problem as a Case with SQL Navigator support. They will be able to help. Please provide to SQL Nav support - exported preference file, Supportbundle file and all NLS parameters from these queries:
select * from nls_database_parameters;
select * from nls_session_parameters;
select * from nls_instance_parameters;
select current_timestamp from dual;
select systimestamp from dual;
select sessiontimezone from dual
select dbtimezone from dual;
Please run the above queries from a session you have a problem with.
It would be helpful for Support to send also extracted DDL of your packge ‘monitoring’, if possible.
…a link to SQL Nav support is:
dbms_output.put_line(‘Test Output’);
I execute all queries :
select * from nls_database_parameters;
select * from nls_session_parameters;
select * from nls_instance_parameters;
select current_timestamp from dual;
select systimestamp from dual;
select sessiontimezone from dual;
select dbtimezone from dual;
Result in Attachment
Minimally reduced statement:
sqlnav.pref (21.7 KB)
dbms_output.put_line(‘Test Output’);
I execute all queries :
select * from nls_database_parameters;
select * from nls_session_parameters;
select * from nls_instance_parameters;
select current_timestamp from dual;
select systimestamp from dual;
select sessiontimezone from dual;
select dbtimezone from dual;
Result in Attachment
Minimally reduced statement:
queriesresults.zip (2.8 KB)
Hi serz62,
Thank you for your additional information.
After briefly looking at files, I believe, you have a configuration issue here
We will try to investigate further to help you. My understanding is your locale is set for Lithuania and you are accessing database with Russian character set. If you wish you can send me, via Private Message, screenshots illustrating the problem.
Hi Serz62,
Our investigations lead us to believe that this issue may be fixed in the 6.0 beta version.
It would be great if you could help us to confirm this, by testing your workflow in the current beta build.
The beta download info is available here:
- Jaime -