I am having a problem where my ExceptionTrace.log totally consumes my hard drive, to the point where my scheduled tasks fail because there is no more room on my drive. Just after a week, the file was 6GB in size and has been as large as 21GB.
I created the following script to automatically delete this files. Sorry Quest if you think these files are useful. There should be some way that Toad will clean up the files periodically or will limit their size.
I create the VBS file then use Task Scheduler to schedule routine deleting of these files.
Const DeleteReadOnly = True
Dim File
’ This section sets up the directory and the file names.
’ You will need to change the directory to match your Application Data Location
Const FILE_LOCATION = “C:\Users\David-~1\AppData\Roaming\Quests~1\Toadfo~1.1”
Const FILE1_NAME = “ExceptionTrace.log”
Const FILE2_NAME = “Action.log”
’ This section makes sure the files exist so the Delete doesn’t error out.
Set fso = CreateObject(“Scripting.FileSystemObject”)
Set File=fso.CreateTextFile(FILE_LOCATION & FILE1_NAME, True)
Set File=fso.CreateTextFile(FILE_LOCATION & FILE2_NAME, True)
Set FSO = nothing
'This section deletes those two files.
Set obj = CreateObject(“Scripting.FileSystemObject”)
obj.DeleteFile(FILE_LOCATION & FILE1_NAME),DeleteReadOnly
obj.DeleteFile(FILE_LOCATION & FILE2_NAME),DeleteReadOnly
Other Search Words:
ExceptionTrace ExceptionTrace.log Action.log Hippo Large Massive Disk Space Low Disk Space Big growing growth expands
Message was edited by: davidOC