I’ve had this issue for a while now and the only hit I’ve found was this thread here:
Curious if this has been solved and, if so, how?
I’m using a licensed Toad for Oracle Base
No add-ons
I see my response back then didn’t make it into that thread. Here it is:
Hi Adam-
When this occurs again, please open Utilities > Task Scheduler and send me a
screen shot. You can erase anything which may be construed as confidential, I
just want to see the Schedule dates. If any of the Schedule dates look funky,
delete or reschedule that item. I believe that’s the source of your problem.
The research I did at the time indicated a potential problem with a scheduled
windows task. Start your examination there, since it’s so easy & quick. Thanks

Ok… I do have a ‘RealCreateProcessScheduledTask…’ that has no Schedule, Next Run, or Last Run Time. Status is null also.
Is this the culprit?
Do I Delete or add some schedule data?
Well… not having much luck with it either way.
Can’t delete or modify… looked through the Windows scheduled tasks and there doesn’t seem to be a matching entry there…?
When you attempt to delete or modify, what happens? Is there any message or
When you talk about no matching entry, do you mean that when you restart Toad
and open the Utilities > Task Scheduler window, there are entries there which
are not present in the standard Windows Task Scheduler off the Start menu?

When I go to Utilities > Task Scheduler I get the error (…not a valid date and time)
Click OK.
I get a list of tasks, the last in the list is
It has no further information other than the Task Name.
If I click, or right-click > Properties on this task I get the same error again.
If I try to delete it I still get the error.
The list of tasks is obviously truncated as there are only 17 tasks listed.
If I look in Windows Task Scheduler (under My Computer > Manage) I see the other tasks along with many others, but I DON’T see the RealCreateProcess… task listed there.
I am fairly sure it is a RealPlayer task - not sure if I can prove that tho…
Striclty spoken it is an invalid date. The year 0 does not exist. Year numbering
started with the year 1. The Romans had no representation for the number zero.
So they started with 1.
On Mon, Jan 31, 2011 at 20:21, holcomba_062 wrote:
Message from: holcomba_062
I’ve had this issue for a while now and the only hit I’ve found was
this thread here:
Curious if this has been solved and, if so, how?
I'm using a licensed Toad for Oracle Base
No add-ons
Historical Messages
Author: holcomba_062
Date: Mon Jan 31 11:21:43 PST 2011
I’ve had this issue for a while now and the only hit I’ve found was
this thread here:
Curious if this has been solved and, if so, how?
I'm using a licensed Toad for Oracle Base
No add-ons