Export Data from mySQL strange HTML markup for apostrophe, trademark, degree symbols

When exporting data from my mySQL database in a longish product description field I’m getting strange characters that my internal project needs translated to normal. What can I do to achieve this? Example of poor data <html markeup?> in notepad

Adapts the Jumbo™ or Jumbo 2000™ Ceiling Mount to round pipes [upto 2” (55mm) in diameter]. Bracket can be usedwith or without an extension column.

Correct look on web:

Hello shansen_17166,

I have several supplementary questions. To where do you export data? Is the data in bad format even after running select query? If yes. You should try to run it on mySQL console client. If the result has the same problem, it may be in mySQL setup.


I was running the query and then from the result set choosing quick export., file export, csv. For some reason choosing Export, Export Wizard, [default values], next, next, next, next, Finish resulted in a .CSV without any strange characters. So the problem seems solved for now.