Export database connections (Toad 12)

Good evening,
I would like to export the database connections from the toad version. to
Could you tell me how can I do it?
Thank you very much

In toad 12 I export the connections (it only exports txt) and import them in toad 16 but I don't care at all.

Hi Carlos

In newer versions, the export/import technique that you are trying should work, but 12.0 is pretty old, so try this instead:

Shut down both versions of Toad
Locate the User Files folder for each version.
Delete Connections.* from the version 16.1 folder
Copy Connections.* from 12.0 to 16.1.

That will give you the connections but probably not passwords.

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Excellent John!
I followed your instructions and managed to export the connections.
Thank you so much !

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