Export to Excel shows $ instead of €

Hi, i've been searching the internet but can't find a solution, when i export a query to an Excel sheet, it decides to export all the 'money' columns in dollars format ($100) instead of euros (100 €). We have our windows regional configuration to spanish (español de españa). In the export wizard if I select Excel output format the checkbox 'Use current regional settings' is grayed out so i cannot do anything there, if I use a mask to format the number with € or even if i use format in the sql query then the excel file won't allow to autosum so it's not a valid choice. I just need to export the results and the money values should be shown in €. Any help would be appreciated, thanks.

Hi David,
Welcome the Forums community. Have you tried other output formats accepted by Excel like Comma Separated Values? With these output formats the Use Current Decimal Setting option becomes enabled.

Hi, thanks for the answer, i just tried it and it doesn't work, it exports the money to a 'general' format so it just does not show any money format, just numbers, if i use a custom mask like ##,## € i have the same problem, the column cannot autosum.
I just need to know if there is a way to make the excel export in regional format with euros which is what it should be by default, actually i've read people having the same problem the other way around, exporting in euros instead of dollars...Could Toad be installed using regional features or other languages? Can't find a way to do it.

Just in case someone is on the same situation as me, i found a way to fix this issue which is using macros, in Automation i never managed to find how to trigger a macro, finally i discovered that you need to create an empty excel with the macro you need (in my case to transform a column to a money type column and that way it shows € since i have my region as an € region) and that way the export wizard detecting an .xlsm file adds a screen to select which macro do you want to trigger. I think this is not intuitive at all but at least it worked to fix my automated Excels somehow.
It would be awesome to have an official response on this matter anyways...

Hi David,
We've logged the change request ID # TSS-513 for the Export Wizard to take into account the locale regional settings.

Thanks for raising it and sharing the workaround.

Hi, any news on request ID # TSS-513 ? I'm still having a lot of problems due to this, also please is there a possibility to use variables with export wizard? because i'm tied to export wizard to use macros in excel, so if i have an iteration that gives me a variable value and need to export an excel for every iteration i cannot use macros, and this is really a bad thing...