I just tried to connect to a new PostgreSql database and get an error: "Password should be at least 14 characters in FIPS mode." and a button for more info. That button redirects me to release notes:
In those notes it says to Workaround : Close ToadEdge and go to ToadEdge.ini file and change -Dorg.bouncycastle.fips.approved_only value to false.. Problem is I am on a MAC and cannot find a ToadEdge.ini file, or any file that contains "Dorg.bouncycastle.fips.approved_only"
As far as I know, the The ToadEdge.ini file for mac is located in (Toad Edge installation location)/Toad Edge.app/Contents/eclipse/ToadEdge.ini
We'll get the release notes content corrected as well.
Ok, I did find it there. But the MACOS tells me I don't own the file and can't edit it. Can you also provide info on how to remedy that?
I was able to edit the file. I had to open a terminal window and the use "sudo vi " to temporarily upgrade my permissions. Once I edited the file, I close and reopened EDGE and was now able to connect to the new database.
BTW are you aware that the forum software is totally unresponsive in Chrome on the MAC.