In Editor, doing a “Formatting Tools->Format Case Only” converts all tabs to spaces. How evil! Because, as everyone knows, tabs rule! And since everyone agrees, I’ll just ignore trolling replies to the contrary…
Interestingly, if I turn on “Editor->Display->Show whitespace”, I see that typing spaces followed by a tab converts all the spaces to a tab. I wasn’t aware that was a feature! Maybe not related, but thought I’d mention it.
Reply by Rich J.
Just checked, which does the same. 12.8GA works as expected, as did some previous 12.9 betas, as I use this fairly frequently.
As retribution for my support of tabs, the evil evil spaces have occasionally boycotted being placed between SQL keywords, but I’m pretty sure that’s a PICNIC problem. [;)]
No worries! I’m really looking forward to camping and fishing with my son in a few weeks.
And I have no idea what happened to my post. I tried editing it to put in the Toad version and got a warning that my post needed to be approved. Weirdness…