formatting long parameter expressions on procedure calls


I’m on Toad for Oracle, Beta

I have a code fragment that the formatter formats as:
if p_debug = ‘Debug’
p_schema => g_my_schema
, p_package => g_my_package
, p_routine => l_my_routine
, p_msg_id => g_my_msg_prefix || ‘0001D’
, p_message =>
|| p_schema
|| ‘, p_table=’
|| p_table
|| ‘, p_sav_table=’
|| p_sav_table
|| ‘, p_save_tablespace’
|| p_save_tablespace
end if;

Which is a lot better than the prior version. So thanks for that!

Just wondering why the message argument is put on a line separate from the p_message identifier?
To my mind the argument could be aligned with the other argument values, or am I missing something?

Kind regards,
Abe Kornelis