I am trying to grant privileges for every table I have (around 1000) to another user. Im having troubles finding the syntax to do so (not experiences in SQL)
I thought it was
Grant select on * to kkp
kkp is the user i am trying to grant access to. I know this works when you do one table at once but since I have so many tables it wont work to do this one by one. I remember I have done something like this before.
I have searched everywhere so hopefully there isnt already threads on this problem.
No such beast, write a dynamic SQL script to generate the desired script as time
of execution and auto run that script – so something this example below to
return count of all my tables:
@header ‘Count All Tables (Row Count > 0)’
set term off
spool cnt_all.tmp
select ‘select ‘’’||table_name||’ = ‘’||to_char(count(*),’‘999,999,999,999’’)
from '||
Is TOAD version optimized for 64-bit operation systems? Can It
address more than 3gb of RAM?
On the DownLoad side for RAC installations, I see only “TOAD DBA Suite
for Oracle – RAC Edition 10.6.1. Installer”. What do I install
for regular developers who are connected to the RAC instance?
1 – It’s still a 32 bit application, so as I understand it, no.
2 – Any download of Toad will have support for RAC. You only need that DBA
Suite download if you have purchased Spotlight on Oracle RAC as part of your
Toad license.