Grid custom sql, preserve default sort and filter


Many customers have in db grid query filter, for default query, many commented lines and they uncommitted them whenever possible. Example of one filter definition:

–22.09.2017 sql_id=‘nnnnn’ not clearly finished …
–and sql_id=‘lalala’
–and sql_id in (‘bbbbb’,‘cccccc’)
–and sql_text like ‘A%’
–and upper (sql_text) like ‘%WHERE NOT IN%’

As you see many entries are commented and I saw many times that people use them as small diary as well.

Whenever your define in grid “custom query” save it and execute it, previous definition of “order by” and “filter” from default query are gone.

This may be understandable because in new custom query this cannot be applied.

Mine question is why should custom parts even look in those two settings (filter and order by).

If they will ignore them, then whenever I return to default query, I would have preserved filter and order by settings.

I hope this can be easily implemented in next releases.
