Hi all,
The group execute pane has disappeared from the “editor/windows” list and i can’t find this usefull option anywhere !!!
The window exists when opening an older .tef file…
I have to use my older 3.5 to run some new interactive SQL with this option ! (109 servers)
Please help is needed !
what’s wrong with this option ???
I took it out. It was supposed to be a DBA only function. You and others have brought it to my attention that they use it. So I entered QAT-4026 to put it back in. It will be in the Beta the first week of Nov.
Hi Debbie
Thanks a lot for this !
This option is very usefull to find or check data on multiple servers quickly !
I use it every day !
De : Debbie Peabody bounce-Debbie_Peabody@toadworld.com
Envoyé : samedi 18 octobre 2014 04:21
À : toaddatapoint@toadworld.com
Objet : RE: [Toad Data Point - Discussion Forum] Group execute pane in TDP 3.6
RE: Group execute pane in TDP 3.6
Reply by Debbie Peabody
I took it out. It was supposed to be a DBA only function. You and others have brought it to my attention that they use it. So I entered QAT-4026 to put it back in. It will be in the Beta the first week of Nov.
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The Group execute function is back in TDP 3.7. The new Beta posted today (TDP has this if you would like to download.
I am not finding the TDP Please advise.
When you have the editor open, go to Edit | windows and choose group execute to be displayed. I have this in my Beta version.
TDP is the latest Beta. Try the link below.