How do you get this thing to show tables in a db

I have connected to the db but there is apparently no way to see any tables or to access any of the tables with this tool. I think I finally found some software that is worse than microjunk.

If you didn't change any of the configurations the navigation manger will display the available tables in the Object Explorer. The understand step of the product offers the Database Broswer and Database Diagrammer. Perhaps you have not had enough time to locate these features? There are a good set of tutorials for the product located here.


I have connected to the db. It shows there is a connection in the navigation manager, but there are no tables in object explorer. I have spent several hours on this and can find no solution. The things that you ae suggesting I have looked through but I get the message nothing to display. I can tell you there are plenty of tales with records in the db. MSAccess connects and can find them. I would say with no problems but it is microsoft.

What is the database type you are connecting to? And when connected what schema/database is the object explorer pointing at. Can you post a screenshot along with this data?

Obviously this will not connect to a db that is not on my computer. I wanted to see how this would work so I built a small db on my computer to work with. Imported data and everything. I then tried to create a query. Unfortunately the query builder doesn’t have the options that I would want so I tried to write the query. I get errors. More specifically it says I am missing a right parenthesis… It isn’t so I would assume that is the standard error that is returned. The query was very simple I wanted records returned in a specific date range and not one that was available in the query editor so I entered WHERE(Tablename.fieldname = BETWEEN (‘04/15/2010’,‘mm/dd/yyyy’) AND (‘05/15/2010’,‘mm/dd/yyyy’))

I got the error that it is missing a right parenthesis. I looked in the help files but there is very little.

Take the equal sign out. Change to this.

WHERE(Tablename.fieldname BETWEEN (‘04/15/2010’,‘mm/dd/yyyy’) AND (‘05/15/2010’,‘mm/dd/yyyy’))

I had already tried to take ou the = and I got the error that it was missing a relational operator. There is absolutely nothing that can be done to make that query work.

Apparently the only queries that this software supports are those that fall within the extremely narrow confines of your query builder.

Just as micorjunk has tried to change their products to be used for inexperienced morons and are now unusable by anyone else you followed right along.

I need something that will allow me to do queries that I need not a very narrow range that “you” have decided is sufficient.


























WHERE (SPM_MV_ERS_TIMESHEET_DETAILS.DATE_WORKED BETWEEN (‘04/01/2010’,‘mm/dd/yyyy’) AND (‘04/30/2010’,‘mm/dd/yyyy’))

This query gets only the error that it is missing the right parenthesis and it highlights the dates.


WHERE (SPM_MV_ERS_TIMESHEET_DETAILS.DATE_WORKED BETWEEN to_date('04/01/2010','mm/dd/yyyy') AND to_date('04/30/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'))

One thing that may be helpful with dates is the date range tab of the Query Builder. It has some built in ranges and builds the between statement for you at run time. See screen shots. If you do not find the range you need, execute the statement and then look at the messages tab. Here is the SQL that was generated and you can use the between statement built by the Query Builder as a template.


I do need to know the database type you are connected to. I will assume it is Oracle. If that is the case you need to use the to_date function.

WHERE (SPM_MV_ERS_TIMESHEET_DETAILS.DATE_WORKED BETWEEN to_date('04/01/2010','mm/dd/yyyy') AND to_date('04/30/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'))

One thing that may be helpful with dates is the date range tab of the Query Builder. It has some built in ranges and builds the between statement for you at run time. See screen shots. If you do not find the range you need, execute the statement and then look at the messages tab. Here is the SQL that was generated and you can use the between statement built by the Query Builder as a template.


I do need to know the database type you are connected to. I will assume it is Oracle. If that is the case you need to use the to_date function.