Tables not visible in database explorer


When connecting to a 12.1 database tables are not visible in the db_explorer.

I can see from toad that sql-navigator is running the following query:

SELECT :schema owner,
DECODE (a.status, ‘VALID’, 0, ‘INVALID’, 1, 2) status,
DECODE (b.partitioned, ‘YES’, ‘Y’, ‘NO’, ‘N’) partitioned,
‘N’ object_table,
‘N’ external_table,
DECODE (b.nested, ‘YES’, ‘Y’, ‘N’) nested,
DECODE (b.IOT_Type, ‘IOT’, 1, ‘IOT_OVERFLOW’, 2, 0) IOT_Type,
FROM sys.all_objects a, sys.all_tables b
WHERE b.owner = :schema
AND b.table_name LIKE :object_name
AND a.owner = :schema
AND a.object_name = b.table_name
AND a.object_type = ‘TABLE’
AND b.dropped = ‘NO’

The tresults of this query show lots of tables.

The tables are visible in the db_explorer within the toolbox but obviously the same options abvailable in the full db_explorer are not available. e.g. extract_ddl etc.

This may, or may not, be related to an error displayed in the general output when opening some objects.

Field ‘segment_created’ not found


Is this a 12.1 compatibility issue?

If, and when, will it be fixed.

I get this behaviour on two seperate 12.1 databases.

Hi Tony,

Thank you for your feedback.

We can see the same issue in 12c database too, [tag:SQLNAV]-1227 has been raised for it and our dev team is fixing it now, hopefully it can be included in our patch soon. Any news will let you know, thanks.



Hi Tony,

As per Shirly’s previous post. The new binary sqlnavigator.exe is now available for you to download.

Please refer to our product support site for the download link.

Thanks and regards,

SQL Navigator Team

Hi Bruce.

The version enclosed seems to fix the tables not visible issue but introduces another issue in the database login dialogue when save passwords is checked.

When the username autompletes to a previously saved value, and I try to write another character the general output displays “List index out of bounds(15)” and the character is dropped.

I can still log inn, but I cannot modify the autocompleted user-name without deleting the entire username and pasting it in.

This seems only to happen if save password is checked.

Btw. I can live with the passwords not being saved.

Thanks for the patch!

Hi Tony,

You are very welcome indeed.

Thank you for your notes on the log in issue. It might relate to changes we made to address the save password option when login using proxy user. However, I could not reproduce the issue you had with my environment. I will ask Vincent to check the changes in this area again for you, and we will try to get back to you early next week.

Thanks and regards,


Second happy moment of the day. The patch also fixed the team coding issue I was having.

Seperate thread. I haven’t had time to update it since reporting the issue.

Hi Bruce & co.

The list-index issue I was having with saved passwords was fixed by deleting the saved Logon passwords in the registry below “Logon Passwords”.

I noticed that there are two nodes with this name in the registry.

“Logon Passwords” & “Logon Passworrds (new)”

I deleted the keys from the former.

Btw. I noticed that any new connection I save the passwords for is added to the latter.

Hi Tony,

Sorry that I could not update you earlier.

Thanks for sharing the work around.

Vincent has fixed the list-index issue due to the changes in the patch to fix the proxy user login request. The list-index issue you reported earlier ONLY affects the previous logins migrated from v6.7. Vincent’s changes would work without removing the registry folder as in your notes.

SQL Navigator uses different registry folder (new).

We will let you know when the new patch binaries available for download.

Thanks and regards,
