How to change the object explorer fonts

I am new to Toad, and am liking it for the most part. I have a few things that are annoying. For instance the object explorer often doesn’t fit the names of the objects. Rather than have to expand the explorer to extra wide proportions, I would like to reduce the size of the font in the object explorer. The skins affect colors the grid allows font change but I cannot find a place to set the font size for the explorer.

I found an old post that mentioned using windows font size setting. As much I dislike the idea of making a global change to all my applications to support one particular need, I even attempted to do this. I changed every font size I could find in the control panel but none of them affected the object explorer.

I assume there must be a way to set the size of the font in the object explorer. Can someone show me how to do this?

Alternately, is there a way to tell the object explorer to turn on the horizontal scrollbar?

As a separate question, I did try out a slew of the themes but could not find any that actually set the code windows to dark background with light text. Is this not an option in the themes?


Thank you for your support. I have created an issue TSS-570 for the horizontal scrollbar and we will try to fix it.

For the set the code windows to dark background , In Tools ->Options->Editor->General , there has some options.

Hope these can help.

Thanks again,


Are you serious? This has been around and reported for over 3.5 years and nothing happens. According to the thread below, issue CR81756 was created back then for the same reason and nothing. Every thread I see on this gets the typical “we are creating an issue ticket for this” response and that’s about it. Nothing is really done. So many months and so many versions of Toad for SQL Server later and this is still a problem. Unbelievable.…/12320.aspx