How to highlight all the words same with the one at cursor in Editor

just like the feature in PL/SQL Developer.
in the view of a procedure, when i put my cursor on a variable, all of the appearances of the variable will be highlighted

Ctrl+F -> Find All will highlight all occurrences of a term

I'm pretty sure that is a Toad 11 feature and is not present in 10.6.
At least I'm not getting it to work in 10.6. It works great in 11.


On 8/19/2011 8:07 AM, Jeff Smith wrote:

Ctrl+F -> Find All will highlight all occurrences of a term

*From:* [] *On Behalf Of
Sent: Friday, August 19, 2011 12:03 AM
Subject: [toad] How to highlight all the words same with the one at
cursor in Editor

Message from: Achilles

just like the feature in PL/SQL Developer. in the view of a procedure,
when i put my cursor on a variable, all of the appearances of the
variable will be highlighted

Historical Messages

Author: Achilles
Date: Thu Aug 18 21:02:38 PDT 2011
just like the feature in PL/SQL Developer. in the view of a procedure,
when i put my cursor on a variable, all of the appearances of the
variable will be highlighted

Sorry, I tried it in the beta w/o doubling-back to 10.6. I was thinking
Ctrl+Click might do it too, but the Search/Find All was the best I could
come up with.

it’s a way, but not convenient as the auto-highlight
thank u for reply:)


thanks a lot

yes, Ctrl+Click will go to the definition, not we want