I am evaluating this tool and reverse engineer the database(SQL Server 2005) and create a new workspace containg 4 tables and choose option "PK and FK keys" and it is showing me following information:
Table Name
Column Name
For each column it is showing me if it is in PK, FK or Index name
Relationship between tables and fk names
Columns that are part of PK, FK in these 4 tables and also showing columns that are referring other tables (not in list of 4 tables)
We need to only show following information:
Table Name
Column Name
For each column show if they are in PK or FK (don't show me if column is in index)
Relationship between tables (it would be better if it shows 1..N instead of grpahical format)
Columns that are part of PK, FK in these 4 tables and should only show columns if they refer to any of these 4 tables
Let me know if this is feasible without too much manual effort. Also it is possible for tool to include relatioships if entities are selected in workscape instead of selecting realatioships sperately.
When the display level “PK and FK keys” is selected, you can see on the WS:
Table Name
Column Name
For each column show if they are in PK or FK
Yes, it’s O.K.
(don’t show me if column is in index)
To turn off display of indexes, right-click the Workspace | Workspace Format | Entity tab | clear the Display Indexes checkbox.
Relationship between tables (it would be better if it shows 1…N instead of graphical format).
I’m not perfectly sure what you mean. Anyway, feel free to select the IDEF1X notation from the Notation menu to display the cardinality on the WS.
(Note: If you don’t want to display shortcuts of relationships on the particular WS at all, simply select the relationship and press Del - to remove only graphical representive of object. Details on shortcuts of objects on the WS are shown in the following movie: http://modeling.inside.quest.com/entry.jspa?externalID=1666&categoryID=158)
Columns that are part of PK, FK in these 4 tables and should only show columns if they refer to any of these 4 tables.
If only PK and FK keys are selected to be displayed, only the key attributes are shown. Other attributes, that are not part of the keys are not displayed.
Please see the attached screenshots of a reversed model - one only with the Key display level (only key attributes are displayed), IDEF1X notation, the other with the Attributes display level (all attributes are displayed).
If this doesn’t work for you, please send me e.g. a screenshot. Thanks a lot.
Also it is possible for tool to include relatioships if entities are selected in workscape instead of selecting realatioships sperately.
See the Objects menu | select the Select Links Automatically option. When you select entities (SHIFT), the relationships that connect them will be selected automatically too.
OR e.g. right-click the particular entity on the WS and select ‘Select Parent/Child Objects’.
If you have any questions, please write me back. Thanks.