Idea Pond - Export Data set to add support for SQLite database

I added an idea to the idea pond and am looking for votes for or against J

Export Data set from schema browser and/or editor to add support format of
SQLite so that user can create a local copy of Oracle data in a light weight
relational type database for use with Toad for Data Analysts and/or any other
ODBC based tool. A good example might be to work in a report writer (not toad
fast reports) and test drive the design without having to have a live oracle
database connection. So being able to develop offline with other database tools.

Hi Bert,

I tried to vote (for) honest, but the login refuses to accept my Yahoo password
again. Been here before and Melanie fixed it for me. Anyway, I think it’s a good
idea, especially as people using TDA can connect to it. (Sqlite).


Norm. [TeamT]

I had the same problem – they made a change. Open or stretch the pop-up
window and way down at the bottom and hidden from view is a box where you now
have to type the word or phrase shown. But you would never know about this new
little tidbit unless you increase the pop-up size ….

Morning Bert, Melanie,

On 02/08/11 17:28, Bert Scalzo wrote:

I had the same problem – they made a change. Open or stretch the pop-up
window and way down at the bottom and hidden from view is a box where
you now have to type the word or phrase shown. But you would never know
about this new little tidbit unless you increase the pop-up size ….
This is all very interesting! For certain values of interesting anyway.

Yesterday, I was WFH (Working From Home) and I did see the captcha
thingy on the bottom of the window to use my yahoo login. However, no
matter what username and/or password I used, I was rejected.

Today at work, under IE6 (Yes, I know!) I get errors in the script in a
couple of places and there is nothing appearing in the window where all
the icons for the various accounts should be. (IE6 is the official UK
Government browser - I wonder if that's related to this ...
Internet Explorer story was bogus - BBC News - well, it is government
work after all!)

Anyway, I used Firefox 5 and it allowed me to login, but didn't display
the captcha, just my username and password.

As I said, interesting!

MELANIE: thanks for the offer of help, but it's all ok now. :slight_smile:

Norm. [TeamT]

That was going to be my next advice - use Fire Fox. I have been hooked on Fire Fox and its extensions/plug-ins now for 2+ years or more. I use IE maybe once a month if I run into a site or software that seems only to work on IE. But Fire Fox extension to do IE tab in Fire Fox almost always negates the need for even this :slight_smile:

Thanks for the info, Norm. I’ll forward this to IdeaScale’s support.

use Fire Fox

I use IE maybe once a month if I run into a

site or software that seems only to work on IE.

I’ve run into that kind of issue myself.

In almost all cases, setting FireFox to give Win/IE as an identification for
that site caused the site to work just fine.

There was one instance that didn’t work. I made a note of the target URL
that the login was supposed to pass me through to saving the URL. After logging
in and getting the “You must use IE to use this site.”, I pasted the
URL and the rest of the site ran just fine from that point.

And before anyone asks: yes, it was actually worded that I “must”
use IE :slight_smile:

Roger S.

I am curious if anyone has users/sw developers that use the read-only version of
TOAD (for Oracle).

Also, what is the cost per seat, if any?

Thanks & Cheers


The cost is the same as regular toad

As Jeff said – it’s an option to control behavior and usage and not
a licensing option.