Introducing the Toad Idea Pond

Jump in. Skinny dipping welcomed.

You can sign in with your Yahoo account. Or create a new account. Then post your
ideas, browse the ideas of others, help us prioritize our efforts.

Melanie Nikdel, our team’s new Content Manager, has created this. It’s been a
long time in coming, but now it’s here so the past is history.

One thing to note - this is for Toad for Oracle.


Oh….are we dipping skinny?

Oh….are we dipping skinny?

Hi Mark,

Jump in. Skinny dipping welcomed.
Skinny dipping in a pond full of toads, interesting concept!

You can sign in with your Yahoo account.
Apparently not. I've tried with all my yahoo registered emails, my yahoo
usernames and nothing lets me sign in.

Melanie Nikdel, our team's new Content Manager, has created
this. It's been a long time in coming, but now it's here so
the past is history.
This isn't a complaint, seeing as how we, here, move with the times, but
the website doesn't work with IE6. The text overwrites itself, the login
form bounces all over the screen when it rejects your login attempt etc.

I suspect the fact that a stylesheet link for IE6 specifically has been
commented out implies that someone has decided that IE6 is way too old.
(I agree!)

Firefox 'just works'.

The Twitter/Facebook/social stuff is banned by our thought Police which
does spoil the overall look of the site. Not your problem though!

Norm. [TeamT]

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I was able to get in with my Yahoo id Norm, it lauches a popup to grant access
– do you have popup blockers in place?

Also, IE6 just plain sucks. I wouldn’t expect a web admin to spend much
time building support for a browser that old. I’m pretty sure that MSFT
dropped support for it as well…

Morning Jeff,

I was able to get in with my Yahoo id Norm, it launches a
popup to grant access - do you have popup blockers in place?
No, no pop-up blockers in use at all.

Also, IE6 just plain sucks.
Tell me about it!

I wouldn't expect a web admin to spend much time building support for
a browser that old.
Neither would I. I thought I'd made it clear that I wasn't expecting
anyone to fix the IE6 problems. If not, I should have made that
perfectly clear! Unfortunately, UFN, it's our "browser of choice"
because most of the Webby type apps here have been built to incorporate
the IE%.5 bugs into their normal operating methods (external companies -
go figure) and we can't upgrade yet! Sigh!

I'm pretty sure that MSFT dropped support for it as well...
Well, given that a perfectly normal CSS statement in one of my web pages
still doesn't work correctly in IE8, I think the entire world should
stop supporting any flavour of IE!

Other opinions are available. :slight_smile:
They are wrong!

Norm. [TeamT]

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IE9 will be the browser to end all browsers I’m sure!

I’ve kicked firefox to the curb and now use Google Chrome for everything.


Ok, problem solved thanks to a brilliant flash of inspiration.

When attempting to sign in using my Yahoo credentials, don’t just fill
them in on the pop-up login form, click on the Yahoo icon first, then
fill in the Yahoo login page that appears, click ok to allow Yahoo to
share your data, and job done!

Feeling slightly silly now!

Norm. [TeamStoopid]

Norman Dunbar
Contract Senior Oracle DBA
CIS Engineering Services
Internal : 7 28 2051
External : 0113 231 2051

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Hi Norm,

The site should work with IE6. I’ll try to figure out what’s going
on (this may take a while).



Hi Melanie,

The site should work with IE6. I'll try to figure out what's
going on (this may take a while).
Don't make a huge effort please, it's probably not worth it!

I suspect most people have moved on from IE6 by now, it's just us that
are stuck in the dark ages!

Norm. [TeamT]

Information in this message may be confidential and may be legally privileged. If you have received this message by mistake, please notify the sender immediately, delete it and do not copy it to anyone else. We have checked this email and its attachments for viruses. But you should still check any attachment before opening it. We may have to make this message and any reply to it public if asked to under the Freedom of Information Act, Data Protection Act or for litigation. Email messages and attachments sent to or from any Environment Agency address may also be accessed by someone other than the sender or recipient, for business purposes. If we have sent you information and you wish to use it please read our terms and conditions which you can get by calling us on 08708 506 506. Find out more about the Environment Agency at

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As another lucky duck stuck in the muck of IE6, there were two issues I saw:

  1. The "register" and "log in" links in the upper right were on/under the
    "Click Sign In to use a Google, Twitter, OpenID, or Yahoo account".
    Relatively minor, as the links still work. The text is obstructed, however.

  2. The login popup for me never displayed the alternate login logos on the
    left. So the only login choice appeared to be an IdeaScale account.

I fired up Firefox to login and it worked as expected. Sorry, Chrome's
extensions aren't quite there just yet (looking to be soon though).

Rich -- [TeamT]

Disclaimer: What did the web developer scream when they fell off the cliff?

Hi Norm,

The site should work with IE6. I'll try to figure out what's going on (this
may take a while).


With IE7, we had the same issue as Rich’s 1).

I did get the popup in 2) but it was weird – they weren’t there and then I did
some window resizing and they showed up.

Like Norm, we’re locked down here with no choice of browsers.

I think I fixed #1 for IE6 and IE7. Chrome has these lines slightly squished
together, and I’m still looking into a workaround for it.

Not sure about #2, and unfortunately I don’t have control over this popup.
Please let me know if it continues to be an issue and I’ll contact our

What are you all feeding the TOAD??? We can’t decide here:

Too many sweets
Beer Belly
Little Toads on the way?

I’m staying out of that pond…it could be contagious!

Darlene R. Ulmet

Financial Analyst II

Decision Support Services

Baylor Health Care System

Phone: (214) 820-1936

Fax: (214)820-8284


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See you there! J
