I am new to TOAD. I want to import all the databases specified in the tnsnames.ora file so I have quick connectivity - can I do this? I see an import but it does not look like it works with tnsnames.ora files.
This is an Oracle client configuration question. Do you want all of your installed clients to use the same tnsnames entries? If so, create a TNS_ADMIN environment variable setting its value to the folder containing your tnsnames.ora file. Otherwise Toad should
automatically see your tnsnames.ora entries for the client you have active in the login window provided that your client is configured properly. If you are using the full Oracle client the file needs to be in the Network\Admin folder within the client's root
installation folder. If you're using an instant client you must use the TNS_ADMIN environment variable.
On 10/20/2014 10:22 AM, conor.brophy wrote:
Thread created by conor.brophy
I am new to TOAD. I want to import all the databases specified in the tnsnames.ora file so I have quick connectivity - can I do this? I see an import but it does not look like it works with tnsnames.ora files.
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I think I misunderstood your question. If you want to have fast access then you’ll need to make connections to each of the databases you use. Just specify your username/pwd, select the database from the dropdown, and click Connect. Going forward Toad will remember all of your previously made connections. You can just double click them in the login window to establish the connection. By default you’ll need to specify your password. You can check the Save Passwords checkbox on the login window to eliminate that step. Check it before you make your connections.