No databases listed for TNS

I recently downloaded Toad 12.17 64-bit for a laptop user. Once the installation was complete I was unable to see the dropdown list of Databases from our network that was added to the TNSnames.ora file. I confirmed the .ora file was in the correct location. Im not sure if I happen to miss something, please assist!!


maybe you could set an environment varianle TNSADMIN pointing to the folder where the tnsnames.ora is in.



FYI, it should be TNS_ADMIN not TNSADMIN.

How would go about doing that exactly? I’m apart of the Local IT Team and our server environment is overseen by Corp IT. We do not use Toad ourselves daily so we have little to no experience in dealing with the application. So my question I guess would I able to set this environment locally?

TNS_ADMIN would be an environment variable that would point to the folder where your tnsnames.ora file is located and would be set like any other environment variable in Windows.

It can be a user environment variable. It doesn’t have to be a system environment variable.

My Computer -> rt-Click -> properties -> advanced system settings -> Environment variables.