Import Wizard | add more dynamic "Date Ranges" for automation purposes

In the Import Wizard, in the "Add Folder" option, there are two dynamic "Date Ranges":

1. - Last week.
2. - Last month.

What if I just want to import from the files with DATE of: Today and Yesterday?

Yes, I can set a static range, in the "Custom" option, but, if I do, I'll have to change that option daily and I don't want to, I want to schedule it to run daily, and daily it will look for the files from the last 2 days, or the last 3 days.

So, the idea is, instead of having: Last Week and Last Month, why no having

"Last (X) days"


That Way if I set:

1. - "Last 0(zero) days" -- it only imports from today's files

2. - "Last 1(one) days" -- it only imports from today's and yesterday's files

3. - "Last 2(two) days" -- it only imports from the files with DATE in: today, yesterday and the day before.

4. - And so on ...


Maybe even having:

            From (X1) to (X2) days Ago

This way if I set:

1. - "From 2(two) to 1(one) days Ago" -- it only imports from the files with DATE in: yesterday and the day before.

2. - And so on ...