Include Subquery in group by clause

I seem to always be forgetting how to include a subquery select as part of my group by statement when I’m doing some sql that requires this.

Example of what I mean:

select tbraccd_pidm, sum(tbraccd_balance), tbraccd_term_code
from tbraccd
where tbraccd_term_code in (‘201001’,‘200909’)
group by tbraccd_pidm, tbraccd_term_code

What I want to do is a subquery select from a phone number, like this, but don’t know how to include that in my group by clause. This would be the subquery select I’m using:

FROM sprtele
WHERE sprtele_pidm = spriden_pidm

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Any clause in the group by must also appear in the select columns output.

select tbraccd_pidm,

sum (tbraccd_balance),


(select (sprtele_phone_area || ‘-’ || sprtele_phone_number)

from sprtele

where sprtele_pidm = spriden_pidm

and sprtele_status_ind is null

and rownum


from tbraccd

where tbraccd_term_code in (‘201001’, ‘200909’)

group by tbraccd_pidm,


(select (sprtele_phone_area || ‘-’ || sprtele_phone_number)

from sprtele

where sprtele_pidm = spriden_pidm

and sprtele_status_ind is null

and rownum

Though this answers the direct question, let us know if it answers the business
question. This will result in a Cartesian join.



Nope. Subquery expressions not allowed here.

In my LIMITED experience I’ve found that you cannot use a subquery in a
group by clause. But don’t give up!

A while back someone on this list told us about the “with clause”. A
Quest employee I believe. Sorry I don’t recall the name to give proper
credit. L As search in the archives on ‘with with’ might find it.

Anyway, try something like this:

with white_pages as


sprtele_pidm ,









tbraccd_pidm ,

sum( tbraccd_balance ),

tbraccd_term_code ,



tbraccd ,



– tbraccd_term_code in (‘201001’,‘200909’) and

tbraccd_pidm = white_pages . sprtele_pidm

group by

tbraccd_pidm ,

tbraccd_term_code ,


I had to comment a couple of lines to pull data from our DB, but you get the
picture. You may want to select more columns from sprtele, so you can tell what
kind of phones you’re looking at. If you’re wanting names, too,
don’t forget about f_format_name.



Daniel B Madvig
Computer Technologies

Northwestern College & Northwestern Media
3003 Snelling Ave.
St. Paul, MN 55113


If you can break it out of being a subquery, and put it in the main
Select, it’s easy:

select tbraccd_pidm
, tbraccd_term_code
, sum(tbraccd_balance)
from tbraccd
– use MAX to pick a random one if there is more than one
– for a given sprtele_pidm
, sprtele_pidm
FROM sprtele
GROUP BY sprtele_pidm) sprtele_grouped
where tbraccd_term_code in (‘201001’,‘200909’)
and sprtele_grouped.sprtele_pidm (+) = tbraccd.spriden_pidm
group by tbraccd_pidm, tbraccd_term_code,

Nate Schroeder
IT Commercial Technical Services - Data Management Team
Monsanto Company
800 N. Lindbergh Blvd. G3WI - Saint Louis, MO - 63167

I’ll give that a try. Guess there’s many ways to skin a cat… and I’m always learning. Thanks.

According to the robot in Lost in Space, when Doctor Smith says there’s
more than one way to skin a cat – robot says exactly 32 ways J

Who would ever want to skin a cat anyway?


Is there a way to convert the erx file to a more universally utilized format? I
want to be able to distribute the database model but am afraid some of the
people I am sending to might not have a modeling program specifically.


An interesting article on the phrase


Who would ever want to skin a cat anyway?
Me! But only dead ones.

Norm. [TeamT]

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you will want to consider subquery cardinality before incorporating your
subqueries into the main query specifically:
if the resultset from your subquery cardinality is low then leave it be
if the resultset from your subquery cardinality is high then incorporate
subquery into main body

GROUP BY should be implemented sparingly and only as a precursor for accumulator
functions such as AVG and SUM

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Hi Martin,

GROUP BY should be implemented sparingly and only as a
precursor for accumulator functions such as AVG and SUM

It's not a recommendation I've ever seen. Aggregate functions are fine -
if you need the answers that they give. There is no need to avoid them
(like GOTO in programming) and reinvent the wheel (much beloved of Java
developers ). I'm pretty sure that Oracle's implementation of
these aggregate functions is a lot more efficient that whatever we could
write ourselves to implement them.

GROUP BY is fine.

Norm. [TeamT]

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You mean like HTML or PDF? The ER Diagram window already supports that.

You just have to hit the report button in the toolbar.

Here we go on the differences of definition…

use MAX to pick a random one if there is more than one

Err… max doesn’t provide randomness… not even a bad facsimile
of it. For example, if the phone numbers selected for a given pid are:




You will always, always, always get 999-5559876 using the max function…
unless of course someone changes the dataset. Random implies there’s some
chance that one of the other two numbers will be picked and that’s simply
not true with the max function.

Roger S.

It is possible that when the person said RANDOM he did not mean the mathematical
word random but maybe something in the line of “any old number” and
if all you want is some number then both MAX and MIN will give you “some
number”. Of course Max always gives the biggest and Min always the

I’m not really following this thread, so maybe it doesn’t apply
here, but you can get rows in a random order with this:

order by dbms_random .value


There are just so many buttons! I found the report button and it did even more
than I could have asked. That is a VERY cool thing. Thanks.


and it did even more than I could have asked

You’re not asking for enough!

Apart from Unicode support, the ER Diagram upgrade seems to be one of the more
popular new features for Toad 10. It’s brand new, so don’t feel too bad
for not knowing about it.

Yep, that’s pretty much what I meant by “random” –
“I don’t care which one is chosen.” Indeed, it will be
deterministic, but I don’t care.

What word other than Random would have communicated that better?

Nate Schroeder

IT Commercial Technical Services - Data Management Team

Monsanto Company

800 N. Lindbergh Blvd. G3WI - Saint Louis, MO - 63167
