Windows 10, 64 bit
I am getting Integer Overflow exceptions on this new version. They happen occasionally and it can be when F4-ing an object or running a query. It seems to relate to a call to SysUtils.DateTimeToTimeStamp, possibly checking an object's timestamp. It's reeeealllly annoying!
Info below (I've removed some stuff due to my company's policy on sharing info about our machines).
EurekaLog update 6 8D15780CC9CEB34C98151D73D556A099 8CFD3773DD26454B92235797F1C4411A DA39A3EE5E6B4B0D3255BFEF95601890AFD80709 6D3F7590E58161418472E3A94DF36AB7
1.1 Start Date : Thu, 10 Feb 2022 16:30:23 +0000
1.2 Name/Description: Toad.exe - (Toad® for Oracle)
1.3 Version Number :
1.4 Parameters :
1.5 Compilation Date: Fri, 21 Jan 2022 00:49:58 +0000
1.6 Up Time : 4 day(s), 17 hour(s), 27 minute(s), 17 second(s)
2.1 Date : Tue, 15 Feb 2022 09:57:41 +0000
2.2 Address : 0421B8E9
2.3 Module Name : Toad.exe - (Toad® for Oracle)
2.4 Module Version:
2.5 Type : EIntOverflow
2.6 Message : Integer overflow.
2.7 ID : B17554DC
2.8 Count : 1
2.11 Sent : 0
3.2 Name: Paul
Active Controls:
4.1 Form Class : TfrmMain
4.2 Form Text : P360_UK_DASHBOARDS@DEVDB1 - Toad for Oracle - [Editor (DashboardAreaManager.sql)]
4.3 Control Class: TtdDScintilla
4.4 Control Text :
5.2 Total Memory : 17104527360 (15.93 Gb)
5.3 Free Memory : 5868593152 (5.47 Gb)
5.4 Total Disk : 228535504896 (212.84 Gb)
5.5 Free Disk : 14685585408 (13.68 Gb)
5.6 System Up Time : 78 day(s), 1 hour(s), 6 minute(s), 14 second(s) / 78 day(s), 1 hour(s), 53 minute(s), 42 second(s)
5.7 Processor : Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4770 CPU @ 3.40GHz
5.8 Display Mode : 3204 x 1803, 32 bit
5.9 Display DPI : 96
5.10 Video Card : Microsoft Remote Display Adapter (driver - RAM 536870912)
5.11 Printer : MS Publisher Imagesetter (driver 10.0.19041.906)
5.12 Virtual Machine: (RDP session)
Operating System:
6.1 Type : Microsoft Windows 10 (64 bit)
6.2 Build # : 2009 (10.0.19043.1348)
6.4 Non-Unicode Language: English (0809)
6.5 Charset/ACP : 0/1252
6.6 Install Language : English (0409)
6.7 UI Language : English (0809)
Steps to reproduce:
8.1 Text:
Call Stack Information:
|Methods |Details|Stack |Address |Module |Offset |Source |Unit |Class |Procedure/Method |Line |
|*Exception Thread: ID=95052; Parent=0; Priority=0 |
|Class=; Name=MAIN |
|DeadLock=0; Wait Chain= |
|Comment= |
|7FFFFFFE|03 |00000000|0421B8E9|Toad.exe |0008B8E9|System.SysUtils.pas |System.SysUtils | |DateTimeToTimeStamp | |
|00000040|03 |007FF878|04306ECF|Toad.exe |00176ECF|System.DateUtils.pas|System.DateUtils| |SameDateTime | |
|00000040|03 |007FF898|04306E9B|Toad.exe |00176E9B|System.DateUtils.pas|System.DateUtils| |CompareDateTime | |
|00000040|04 |007FF8B0|081ECA4E|Toad.exe |0405CA4E|WindowBarMgr.pas |WindowBarMgr |TWindowBarManager.SortButtons$ActRec|$0$Body |361[39] |
|00000040|03 |007FF900|042B3D5C|Toad.exe |00123D5C|System.Classes.pas |System.Classes | |QuickSort | |
|00000040|03 |007FF930|042B4008|Toad.exe |00124008|System.Classes.pas |System.Classes |TList |SortList | |
|00000040|04 |007FF974|081EC444|Toad.exe |0405C444|WindowBarMgr.pas |WindowBarMgr |TWindowBarManager |AddWindow |185[27] |
|00000040|04 |007FF99C|081F002E|Toad.exe |0406002E|frmTOADMDI.pas |frmTOADMDI |TTOADMDIForm |DoCreate |805[7] |
|00000040|03 |007FF9A8|04539A35|Toad.exe |003A9A35|Vcl.Forms.pas |Vcl.Forms |TCustomForm |AfterConstruction | |
|00000040|04 |007FF9D8|080D99D2|Toad.exe |03F499D2|frmSearchInFiles.pas|frmSearchInFiles|TSearchInFilesForm |Create |538[3] |
|00000040|04 |007FF9F8|088B0ECF|Toad.exe |04720ECF|dmCommonActions.pas |dmCommonActions |TdmCommonActions |DisplayForm |1261[72] |
|00000040|04 |007FFA68|088B0C26|Toad.exe |04720C26|dmCommonActions.pas |dmCommonActions |TdmCommonActions |DisplayForm |1172[1] |
|00000040|04 |007FFA74|088B658B|Toad.exe |0472658B|dmCommonActions.pas |dmCommonActions |TdmCommonActions |actFindInFilesExecute |3433[1] |
|00000040|03 |007FFA7C|042CE44B|Toad.exe |0013E44B|System.Classes.pas |System.Classes |TBasicAction |Execute | |
|00000040|04 |007FFAAC|08C4622F|Toad.exe |04AB622F|dxBar.pas |dxBar |TdxBarItem |DirectClick |21778[5] |
|00000040|04 |007FFAD0|08C5677F|Toad.exe |04AC677F|dxBar.pas |dxBar |TdxBarItemControl |ControlUnclick |28703[29] |
|00000040|04 |007FFB0C|08C5A93A|Toad.exe |04ACA93A|dxBar.pas |dxBar |TdxBarButtonControl |ControlUnclick |30894[6] |
|00000040|04 |007FFB1C|08C6F017|Toad.exe |04ADF017|dxBar.pas |dxBar |TCustomdxBarControl |DoLButtonUp |40540[18] |
|00000040|04 |007FFB4C|08C6D536|Toad.exe |04ADD536|dxBar.pas |dxBar |TCustomdxBarControl |WMLButtonUp |39779[6] |
|00000040|03 |007FFB5C|044153EE|Toad.exe |002853EE|Vcl.Controls.pas |Vcl.Controls |TControl |WndProc | |
|00000040|03 |007FFC88|04419FD3|Toad.exe |00289FD3|Vcl.Controls.pas |Vcl.Controls |TWinControl |WndProc | |
|00000040|04 |007FFCD4|08C6E45B|Toad.exe |04ADE45B|dxBar.pas |dxBar |TCustomdxBarControl |WndProc |40184[39] |
|00000040|03 |007FFCE8|044195A0|Toad.exe |002895A0|Vcl.Controls.pas |Vcl.Controls |TWinControl |MainWndProc | |
|00000040|03 |007FFD18|042CF1B0|Toad.exe |0013F1B0|System.Classes.pas |System.Classes | |StdWndProc | |
|00000040|03 |007FFD30|763231D9|user32.dll|000431D9|user32.dll |user32 | | (possible AddClipboardFormatListener+73)| |
|00000040|03 |007FFD5C|7631A175|user32.dll|0003A175|user32.dll |user32 | | (possible GetClassLongW+1957) | |
|00000040|03 |007FFE40|76317EE5|user32.dll|00037EE5|user32.dll |user32 | | (possible DispatchMessageW+581) | |
|00000040|03 |007FFEB4|76317CAB|user32.dll|00037CAB|user32.dll |user32 | |DispatchMessageW | |
|00000040|03 |007FFEC0|04544D83|Toad.exe |003B4D83|Vcl.Forms.pas |Vcl.Forms |TApplication |ProcessMessage | |