Invalid Pointer Operation

I’ve been getting a lot of invalid pointer operation errors in the TOAD beta. I’m on the latest beta, and this last time I got the error, I just had two tabs open in the Editor. I have about three sql statements I’m running, making slight modifications to, and then running again. I’m basically doing research on why the one SQL statement isn’t returning data, so I’ll run a query from one of the tables to find a record that should be showing up in my query, then query the next table in the SQL, then run the SQL to see if my changes are showing up. After going back and forth between the SQL statements, all in the same editor tab, I get the invalid pointer error. At this point, my only hope is to kill TOAD and restart it and go through the same process again. :frowning:

Interesting. I just killed TOAD, restarted it, pasted in my various SQL statements and run the one and immediately got an AV. I’ve attached the latest el file.

Let me know if I can provide more details for you to help pin this down.



Phyllis Helton

Data Magician
Digital Strategies, Cru | Data Sciences & Analytics
Office :phone: 407-515-4452

Your error log didn’t make it, please re-post or send it to me. Dale is experiencing an AV as well, it could be the same as his. Also, Code Insight is undergoing some work that could be the culprit.

This Invalid Pointer Operation happened while I was in the Schema Browser, Data tab with a filter. Toad became unresponsive and was “Closed” by Windows as an unresponsive process.



1.1 Start Date : Tue, 11 Aug 2015 10:42:02 -0500

1.2 Name/Description: Toad.exe - (Toad™ for Oracle®)

1.3 Version Number :

1.4 Parameters :

1.6 Up Time : 4 hour(s), 27 minute(s), 43 second(s)


2.1 Date : Tue, 11 Aug 2015 15:09:45 -0500

2.2 Address : 0000000006D80C95

2.3 Module Name: Toad.exe - (Toad™ for Oracle®)

2.5 Type : EInvalidPointer

2.6 Message : Invalid pointer operation.

2.7 ID : AF3D0000

2.8 Count : 0

2.11 Sent : 0


3.2 Name : CHX

3.3 Email:

Active Controls:

4.1 Form Class : TfrmMain

4.2 Form Text : Toad for Oracle (x64) BETA expires on 02-September-2015

4.3 Control Class: TcxTreeList

4.4 Control Text :


5.2 Total Memory : 8453214208 (7.87 Gb)

5.3 Free Memory : 1318989824 (1.23 Gb)

5.4 Total Disk : 250056704000 (232.88 Gb)

5.5 Free Disk : 121228500992 (112.90 Gb)

5.6 System Up Time : 1 day(s), 6 hour(s), 49 minute(s), 36 second(s)

5.7 Processor : Intel® Core™2 Duo CPU E8400 @ 3.00GHz

5.12 Virtual Machine:

Operating System:

6.1 Type : Microsoft Windows 7 (64 bit)

6.2 Build #: 7601

Steps to reproduce:

8.1 Text:

Call Stack Information:

|Methods |Details|Stack |Address |Module |Offset |Unit |Class |Procedure/Method |Line |

|*Exception Thread: ID=6944; Parent=0; Priority=-2 |

|Class=; Name=MAIN |

|DeadLock=0; Wait Chain= |

|Comment= |


|7FFFFFFE|03 |0000000000000000|0000000006D80C95|Toad.exe |0000000002BF0C95|objTables |TfrmTableObject |TQEError | |

|00000040|03 |000000000042F828|00000000059D7AD2|Toad.exe |0000000001847AD2|ThreadedQueryEngine|TThreadedQueryEngine|HandleThreadException | |

|00000040|03 |000000000042F868|00000000059D8E52|Toad.exe |0000000001848E52|ThreadedQueryEngine|TQueryThread |ThrowException | |

|00000040|04 |000000000042F898|0000000004262F82|Toad.exe |00000000000D2F82|System.Classes | |CheckSynchronize |11723[31] |


| |

|Running Thread: ID=8928; Parent=6944; Priority=0 |

|Class=TSendThread; Name=[Unnamed thread] Kind: TThread. Thread function: CSLog.TSendThread.Execute + $0. Thread caller: CSLog.TSendThread.Create + $3C (CSLog.TSendThread.Execute)|

|DeadLock=0; Wait Chain=thread: [ 22E0 / 8928 ] is blocked |

|Comment= |


|7FFFFFFE|03 |0000000000000000|000000007778BF1A|ntdll.dll |000000000004BF1A|ntdll | |ZwWaitForSingleObject | |

|00000040|03 |000000001414FCC8|000007FEFD6210D6|KERNELBASE.dll|00000000000010D6|KERNELBASE | |WaitForSingleObjectEx | |

|00000040|03 |000000001414FD68|000000000602A636|Toad.exe |0000000001E9A636|CSLog |TSendThread |Execute | |

|00000040|04 |000000001414FDC8|0000000004263158|Toad.exe |00000000000D3158|System.Classes | |ThreadProc |11769[11] |

|00000040|04 |000000001414FE28|000000000437B864|Toad.exe |00000000001EB864|EThreadsManager | |NakedBeginThreadWrapper |1287[5] |

|00000040|04 |000000001414FE78|00000000043C180E|Toad.exe |000000000023180E|EExceptionManager | |DefaultThreadHandleException |2767[6] |

|00000040|04 |000000001414FED8|000000000437C944|Toad.exe |00000000001EC944|EThreadsManager | |ThreadWrapperCT |1677[17] |

|00000040|03 |000000001414FF58|00000000776359DB|kernel32.dll |00000000000159DB|kernel32 | | (possible VirtualQuery+4743) | |

|00000040|03 |000000001414FF88|000000007776A64F|ntdll.dll |000000000002A64F|ntdll | | (possible towupper+1727) | |


| |

|Running Thread: ID=6052; Parent=6944; Priority=0 |

|Class=TSaveSettingsThread; Name=[Unnamed thread] Kind: TThread. Thread function: tdSaveSettings.TSaveSettingsThread.Execute + $0. Thread caller: tdSaveSettings.TSaveSettingsThread.Create + $3C (tdSaveSettings.TSaveSettingsThread.Execute)|

|DeadLock=0; Wait Chain=thread: [ 17A4 / 6052 ] is blocked |

|Comment= |


|7FFFFFFE|03 |0000000000000000|000000007778C48A|ntdll.dll |000000000004C48A|ntdll | |ZwWaitForMultipleObjects | |

|00000040|03 |000000001866FB88|000007FEFD62141A|KERNELBASE.dll|000000000000141A|KERNELBASE | | (possible GetCurrentProcess+58)| |

|00000040|03 |000000001866FC88|000000007764171E|kernel32.dll |000000000002171E|kernel32 | | (possible IsProcessInJob+8534) | |

|00000040|04 |000000001866FD18|0000000004273B12|Toad.exe |00000000000E3B12|System.SyncObjs |THandleObject |WaitFor |670[13] |

|00000040|03 |000000001866FD78|0000000008BE6049|Toad.exe |0000000004A56049|tdSaveSettings |TSaveSettingsThread |Execute | |

|00000040|04 |000000001866FDC8|0000000004263158|Toad.exe |00000000000D3158|System.Classes | |ThreadProc |11769[11] |

|00000040|04 |000000001866FE28|000000000437B864|Toad.exe |00000000001EB864|EThreadsManager | |NakedBeginThreadWrapper |1287[5] |

|00000040|04 |000000001866FE78|00000000043C180E|Toad.exe |000000000023180E|EExceptionManager | |DefaultThreadHandleException |2767[6] |

|00000040|04 |000000001866FED8|000000000437C944|Toad.exe |00000000001EC944|EThreadsManager | |ThreadWrapperCT |1677[17] |

|00000040|03 |000000001866FF58|00000000776359DB|kernel32.dll |00000000000159DB|kernel32 | | (possible VirtualQuery+4743) | |

|00000040|03 |000000001866FF88|000000007776A64F|ntdll.dll |000000000002A64F|ntdll | | (possible towupper+1727) | |


| |

|Running Thread: ID=10940; Parent=6944; Priority=0 |

|Class=TWorkerThread; Name=[Unnamed thread] Kind: TThread. Thread function: VirtualTrees.TWorkerThread.Execute + $0. Thread caller: VirtualTrees.TWorkerThread.Create + $42 (VirtualTrees.TWorkerThread.Execute)|

|DeadLock=0; Wait Chain=thread: [ 2ABC / 10940 ] is blocked |

|Comment= |


|7FFFFFFE|03 |0000000000000000|000000007778BF1A|ntdll.dll |000000000004BF1A|ntdll | |ZwWaitForSingleObject | |

|00000040|03 |000000001BD4FCD8|000007FEFD6210D6|KERNELBASE.dll|00000000000010D6|KERNELBASE | |WaitForSingleObjectEx | |

|00000040|03 |000000001BD4FD78|000000000520A18F|Toad.exe |000000000107A18F|VirtualTrees |TWorkerThread |Execute | |

|00000040|04 |000000001BD4FDC8|0000000004263158|Toad.exe |00000000000D3158|System.Classes | |ThreadProc |11769[11] |

|00000040|04 |000000001BD4FE28|000000000437B864|Toad.exe |00000000001EB864|EThreadsManager | |NakedBeginThreadWrapper |1287[5] |

|00000040|04 |000000001BD4FE78|00000000043C180E|Toad.exe |000000000023180E|EExceptionManager | |DefaultThreadHandleException |2767[6] |

|00000040|04 |000000001BD4FED8|000000000437C944|Toad.exe |00000000001EC944|EThreadsManager | |ThreadWrapperCT |1677[17] |

|00000040|03 |000000001BD4FF58|00000000776359DB|kernel32.dll |00000000000159DB|kernel32 | | (possible VirtualQuery+4743) | |

|00000040|03 |000000001BD4FF88|000000007776A64F|ntdll.dll |000000000002A64F|ntdll | | (possible towupper+1727) | |

Modules Information:

|Handle |Name |Description |Version |Size |Modified |Path |

|0000000004190000|Toad.exe |Toad™ for Oracle® | |53483792|2015-08-03 14:17:52|C:\Program Files\Dell\Toad for Oracle 12.8 Beta\ |

|0000000010CA0000|Wldap32.dll |Win32 LDAP API DLL |6.1.7601.17514 |312832 |2010-11-20 08:27:28|C:\Windows\System32\ |

|000000001BED0000|oracore11.dll |Oracle CORE Library | |1411072 |2010-02-11 20:31:06|C:\Oracle\product\11.2.0\client_x64_1\BIN\ |

|000000001C030000|oranls11.dll |Oracle NLS Runtime Library | |1020928 |2010-02-17 20:28:50|C:\Oracle\product\11.2.0\client_x64_1\BIN\ |

|000000001C130000|oraunls11.dll |Oracle UNLS Runtime Library | |112128 |2010-02-17 20:28:52|C:\Oracle\product\11.2.0\client_x64_1\BIN\ |

|000000001C160000|orauts.dll |Oracle CORE UTS PT Library | |10240 |2010-02-11 20:31:08|C:\Oracle\product\11.2.0\client_x64_1\BIN\ |

|000000001C190000|orasnls11.dll |Oracle SNLS Runtime Library | |231424 |2010-02-17 20:28:52|C:\Oracle\product\11.2.0\client_x64_1\BIN\ |

|000000001C290000|oranl11.dll |Oracle SQL*Net ORANL DLL | |430592 |2010-03-15 19:48:00|C:\Oracle\product\11.2.0\client_x64_1\BIN\ |

|000000001C310000|orantcp11.dll |Oracle SQL*Net ORANTCP DLL | |199680 |2010-03-15 19:48:04|C:\Oracle\product\11.2.0\client_x64_1\BIN\ |

|000000001C3A0000|oranldap11.dll |Oracle SQL*Net ORANLDAP DLL | |290816 |2010-03-15 19:48:00|C:\Oracle\product\11.2.0\client_x64_1\BIN\ |

|000000001C3F0000|orancrypt11.dll |Oracle SQL*Net ORANCRYPT DLL | |133120 |2010-

Looks like you had threaded queries enabled. DId you just set a filter and click OK? I tried creating both a valid and invalid filter there, in 64 bit, but unfortunately both worked fine for me.

The filter was already set. I just clicked on the table and data tab appeared with the filter (a partition filter). I was going to cancel the operation, but it got cancelled for me :frowning:

Note that the everything is being refreshed twice, in case that factors in in any way.

When I restarted Toad, went to the same table, the data displayed just fine with that same filter in effect.

Oh, yeah, the double refresh could definitely have something to do with it. Has there not been a beta since I said that was fixed, or did it not fix?

You reported it fixed on 8/4 but I haven’t seen a new beta release since then. .14 was released on 8/3.

OK. I just pulled the latest beta and still see the double-refresh too (but not the error). We’re got a beta planned for tomorrow, so let me know if it still happens after that.