The first problem occurred because of permissions. We know you deselected them, however would like to ask you for the following:
Please try ODBC connection once again, deselect permissions.
What is the result?
Please use another connection method - ADO or native (native with the client), deselect permissions.
What is the result?
If the problem still occurs, please install the latest BETA and test it there. BETA includes much detailed log output, so please run RE and see the messages in the log area/Message Explorer. Right-click the log area | Save Messages and send us the LocalLog.txt file. Thanks very much.
I’m trying to reverse engineer a Sybase database (connected via ODBC).
During the execution, I get:
Source: CS3 - Internal error
Script: REDataMigratorDBAS15
Description: ‘’ is not a valid GUID value
Row: 212
Column: 5
“REDataMigratorDBAS15” from package “Object RE Database for Sybase ASE 15”
The problem occurred for RE of Sybase ASE 15 and Sybase ASE 12.5, error during loading permissions.
It was registered under CR # 59 804 and already has been fixed for next release.
Fix: Error will not occur, RE will proceed. In the Log area it will be written out which permissions were not loaded during the RE. (Note: TDM does not load all permissions during RE.)