Is there a way to have Team Coding format scripts using Script Options defined for the Export DDL action?

Is there a way to have Team Coding format scripts using Script Options defined for the Export DDL action? I am specifically looking to have creates from grants and synonyms include for all object types, indexes included in table scripts and triggers included in table/view scripts.


Rusty Stanley

Hey Rusty,

Unfortunately, currently no; however that is something that’s currently on my radar for It was a bit too late in the release cycle for me to be able to get something like this implemented for this release. Stay tuned – I’m planning for this feature.


From: charles.stanley []

Sent: Wednesday, August 24, 2016 10:09 AM


Subject: [Toad for Oracle - Beta Discussion Forum] Is there a way to have Team Coding format scripts using Script Options defined for the Export DDL action?

Is there a way to have Team Coding format scripts using Script Options defined for the Export DDL action?

Thread created by charles.stanley

Is there a way to have Team Coding format scripts using Script Options defined for the Export DDL action? I am specifically looking to have creates from grants and synonyms include for all object types, indexes included in table scripts and triggers included in table/view scripts.


Rusty Stanley

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Thanks for the quick response and I’m glad to hear you’re already considering this. I have a work around outside of Toad that we can use temporarily. With 12.9 about 80% of the issues I encountered using Team Coding with Perforce have been resolves. Gr\eat work.