Issue while connecting to database through TOAD


When I am trying to connect to db2 database through TOAD,I am getting the below error.SQL30082N Security processing failed with reason “1” ("PASSWORD EXPIRED

I had changed the password for this on the server, but it still throws me this error.

SQL30082N Security processing failed with reason “1” (“PASSWORD EXPIRED”).


****When I am trying to change the password it is showing me different error message.

SQL30083N Attempt to change password for user id “na1234” failed with

security reason “24” (“USERNAME AND/OR PASSWORD INVALID”). SQLSTATE=08001

Can you help me to resolve this issue?


I need to know a few details. Is the server z/OS or LUW? If LUW, what is the OS?

How are you attempting to change the password?


The Server is LUW and OS is AIX.

I am trying to change the passowrd through UNIX commands

db2 connect to databasename user username using passwd new xxxx confirm xxxx


Are you executing your db2 connect command on the AIX database server? (Just wondering)

It could be that once your UNIIX password has expired, you cannot set it via the db2 connect command. It could also be that if your password is set to be changed upon your initial logon, you then cannot set it via the db2 connect command.

I advise you to contact your AIX systems administrator to have your password reset outside of the db2 connect command. Once your password issues has been resolved, you should be able to logon to the database in Toad.