Issue with Data Compare with UNIQUE Comparison Keys

Hi, I am trying to compare a unique column where it exists In both the source and target DB, but still, TOAD gives me that the records exist only in Source separately and Target Separately, instead of mentioning it as equal records, any idea how to avoid this.

When I use the where clause, then the result shows both are equal, which seems like some issue in comparison.

Hmmm... have you examined the values in the column carefully? Any trailing blanks or special characters that could be throwing the comparison off?

Hi Gary,

All the values are carefully analyzed, before posting this in the forum.
There are no trailing blanks or special characters.
When I use some other SQL Diff tool that is working correctly with the same DB as expected, but I like the tool when compared with that tool, that's why checking is this a defect here.

Hi Thaj,

So the only comparison key for the dataset is the 'Code' field?

Yes Julie, CODE is the only comparison key

I am a little stumped as to what could be causing this. A couple of things I can suggest (1) if you are in a timezone that is compatible to US you can reach out to me via DM and I can setup a session to screenshare to look at the problem or (2) I suggest you reac out to support ( to see if they can assist.