I ran a script that fetched me 8million records after running for 2 hours. I need to save this result so that I can pull it into MS Access. Smaller size reults were easy, as I would save into Excel adn then import that file into Access.
How do I handle this? I tried Toad fo Analysts and Toad for Oracle.
There’s a feature in Toad for Data Analysts which I think will really
help. Take your query and use it in the Export Wizard (Tools >> Export
Export Wizard). Once you have the wizard open, select the
“Query” export category and paste the query in the edit window (or
you can browse to the saved query on disk). Then, save the output as a delimited
format (to avoid any MS Excel row limitations). Once you have any remaining
options set, you can either run it immediately or save it as a template –
this will let you kick it off as a job at any time or schedule it to run at a
specific time. Once this is done, you can use the Toad for Data Analysts import
wizard to import the data into MS Access.
Doing it this way is really helpful because it bypasses loading the 8 million
records into the data grid UI and just writes them straight to disk. The result
is much faster performance with less system memory used. You would only be
limited at this point by the space you have on your hard drive.
In a future release, we’re looking into letting you suck that data into an
internal Toad for Data Analysts database directly instead of having to use MS
Access. It may help you save some time instead of having to export first and
then import into MS Access for further analysis.
If you’re running the query in the Editor, you can right-click on the data
grid and Export Dataset directly to an Access Database File.
Although if your purpose is to move 8 million rows from Oracle into Access, Toad
might not be the best tool. In Access you can create a Linked Table or a Query
that goes over the ODBC link to your Oracle database and do a direct Make Table
query in Access to pull the data in.
Nate Schroeder
IT Commercial Technical Services - Data Management Team
Monsanto Company
800 N. Lindbergh Blvd. G3WI - Saint Louis, MO - 63167
To export that much data in Toad, enter your query in the editor, run with F9
(NOT F5!), right-click, choose “Export Dataset”, and make sure that “Display
results in grid” is UNchecked.
Why would you want 8M records in Access? Maybe there's
another way to solve your problem?
Can Access actually handle 8 million rows? In one table? In one
Norm. [TeamT]
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i have oracle running on my laptop where I am able to handle multi-terabytes of
you can configure Oracle to run on your laptop
would be interesting to see it run on a blackberry tho’
Martin Gainty
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Dan, i am trying out your suggestion. I put ina filter to reduce the utput o 1million… made sure the code works and put it into the export option as you explained. It errored out after 20min. giving some weird reason about a table alias not being correct. But I made sure it is right… now I am not sure why this is happening…
I had a colleague who works only on Access check some forums and yes, Access 2007 can handle 8million records. I personally think it will be a resource hog and will crash my machine. But before i get to that point, i need to make sure my 8M records get into Access from Toad…
Hmm… let’s take a look. Can you send me the entire contents of what
appears on the Export result window, accessible through “View Event
Log”? You can send it to me offline if you want at Daniel [dot] Norwood
[at] quest [dot] com.