Logical Model

While creating a logical model i have created two tables with many to many relationship while converting this into physical model TOAD creates the assignment table by default. My issue is with this assignment table i have to relate other table which is there in the logical model how to achieve this.

For Example i have a company table and agent table and they have a many to many relation. In physical model this will get converted with an assignment table with name
Company_Agent i have to provide relation with the commission table with company_agent table in logical model. whereas company_agent table will not be present in logical model how can i represent this.


the fastest possible solution would be to add the “assignment” table to your logical model manually. You might also want to try Universal model instead of logical.

Quick info about logical model specifics:




Thanks yadav adding assignment table is done is there any other solution


I don’t think so. If you do not want to add the table manually and do not work with inheritance at all, use Universal Model. There you can create M:N relation and the middle table will be created automatically. You can rename the table there, add other related tables to the middle table etc. This cannot be modeled in Logical Model.

