Manage rights to overwrite dataset

I have successfully published a dataset to Toad Intelligence Central. The sharing options on the dataset are set to "Share this data with any user" and "Allow Any User To manage this object". Now I am attempting to append data to this same dataset, and receive the following error message which prevents me from appending data to the dataset.

How do I get past this error?

Thank you in advance.

Do you get the same error when you check the “Append data to Existing Object”? I believe you need to chose that option to append.
If that does not resolve please generate a support bundle from the Help menu and open a ticket with support.

Hi Jraguse,
What’s the TIC/TDP version you are using now?

Thank you Vincent and Debbie for responding.

I should have sent version information with my question - I am using TDP and TIC

In terms of the "Append data to Existing Object" option, the selection or lack of selection does not seem to make any difference.

Anything else that I should try prior to sending in a support bundle?

Thanks. Jeff.

I did set up a service ticket # 4410389

We are checking this case, and will give you feedback as soon as possible.
And as you are using TDP and TIC, do you have any plans to upgrade to the latest version?
TIC 3.1 is the version of 2 years before, now the GA version of TDP and TIC is 4.3, and we will have new release (TDP/TIC 5.0) in the coming January.

Would you please check below 2 points:

  1. Can you see this already existing dataset in TDP object explorer ?
  2. Can you open this dataset in TDP and see the data in it?