It looks like you tried to attach some images but I’m not seeing them. It looks like my adblocker was stopping them from showing.
What windows are you looking at the images in? That’ll help find the triggers one. Over the next betas I’ll hopefully have them straightened out more (and more added). I’ll check back to see if the images popup in a bit.
I only looked at table triggers, so I did not notice that there are other icons for other types of triggers.
Since I usually only encounter these icons in the pick-list dropdown, and triggers are not displayed there anyways, that’s perfectly fine with me
The underwhelming story is that we only have two package icons (package and package body) right now. I’ll see if we can get something a little better going for this.
In 12.10 SB icons, the hatchet was “truncate” and scissors was “drop”. In 12.11 beta, those are reversed.
I rarely use those buttons because they’re scary dangerous for a constantly sleep-deprived, over-caffeinated, and easily-distracted DBA (and me, too!). But someone else might not notice the subtle shift.
The package body icon is not an empty box, but an open one (as opposed to the closed one for the spec).
At least that’s how I have always seen them, and they were like that for a long time, to the best of my recollection.
But it does seem a bit strange to have the spec icon also open. A better way might be to use that icon (open box with several sheets of paper) for the body, and a closed box with maybe just a label sticked on top for the spec.