Heh, yes Norm, I already accepted that my original expectation was wrong and
that has been corrected.
As I never relied on that functionality, I never had need to look it up in the
documentation. It’s also never played a role with me in the kind of
example the other responder posted about deleting all the data as I always
double check my work through various queries to make sure it’s exactly
what I wanted. If it wasn’t, I explicitly rolled back. If it was, I
explicitly commited.
In short: the default behavior of SQL Plus with regards doing an implicit commit
has never played a role in my case because it’s never had anything to do.
Heh, yes Norm, I already accepted that my original
expectation was wrong and that has been corrected.
That's me told then!
No seriously, I knew that you knew, I simply used your comment as a
handy place to tie on the extract from the docs.
As I never relied on that functionality, I never had need to
look it up in the documentation.
No neither have I. I remember way way way back in the mists of time,
when I did my first Oracle course, SQL and PL/SQL for Oracle 7. And on
day one, we were introduced to SQLPlus with a warning that we should always commit or rollback explicitly because SQLPlus will commit on
exit or may rollback on exit - depending on how things go. So, I always
have manually typed commit (or rollback) before exit since that very
I think you and I both know it makes sense to be explicit - especially
when dealing with computers!
When I'm using a development tool (or library) I always check for the
default setting of auto-commit - and make sure it is set to give me the
full control that I need, and not set to something that someone else
thinks I need.
In short: the default behavior of SQL Plus with regards
doing an implicit commit has never played a role in my case
because it's never had anything to do.
I agree 100%!
Norm. [TeamT]
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… it makes sense to be explicit – especially when dealing
with computers!
Heh, doesn’t that just tickle the funny bone every time an end-user
remarks something along the lines “why can’t it just do what I
wanted instead of what I asked?”
I’m still shocked though when a fellow developer – the more
experienced, the more shocked I am – honestly expresses the same question.
It doesn’t happen often, I can count on one hand the number of developers
who have expressed that. It simply boggles the mind when someone who is
“reasonably learned in the field” expresses such a lack of basic
Heh, doesn’t that just tickle the funny bone every time an end-user
remarks something along the lines “why can’t it just do what I wanted
instead of what I asked?”
My favourite, when I make yet another spelling mistake in a long Unix
directory name, or obscure Unix command, is "why doesn't it know what I
meant to type?".
Roll on Artificial Intelligence. Then Toad will know what we want to do
and have it done before we can figure out what it was we wanted to do,
and why!
most OS's cache keystrokes with an algorithm called intelli-sense
intelli-sense is supposed to remember the last command that started with
the n series of characters you have just typed
so the letter l will recall 'ls' and the letter r will recall 'rm'
all of which works fine up until the time you want 'r' to mean 'right' and 'l'
to mean 'left'
unless of course you wanted to rm right ...and ...list only the left
Martin Gainty
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would appreciate a link to the beta when you get the chance thanks greg! Martin
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now we need a sign for Ed’s classic reply to the fellow who changed the topic
from Toad to something about animal rights (or lack thereof), which was along
the lines of “Left Turn, off the cliff !”