If I create a model (M1) with one note. Then save that model as model M2. Comparing M1 and M2 show notes are the same ( which is correct ).
case 1: If I change the note content in M2, compare shows each model having a note that is not in the other model. I would prefer to see the single note shown as different.
Yes, at the moment, each note (although the same) is a different object and therefore if you make a change in the same note in one model, both notes are marked this way. - That the note does not exist in the other model.
It works this way as notes cannot be paired by name. And here's your suggestion...
It would also be useful to have the ability to name Notes.
Thanks for this. CR # 47 006
case 2: If I add a new note to M1 and M2, if the contents are the same no difference is shown. I would prefer to see each model having a note that is not in the other.
I'm afraid, I don't understand. If the content is the same, so it's correct that no difference is shown. (See your first test above.)
In any case, the problem is that Notes do not have names. We will deal with this issue.
case 2:
I agree it is unlikely to matter, but if the notes were added by different users they could
have the same contents (e.g. referring to an external document) but be in different places (different workspaces or different places in a large workspace). It may be some notes we want to end up with in both places.
Try to place the same note in M1 and M2 in two different places (e.g. on another WS in each model.)
Compare the models and see section Workspaces. The difference is shown.
Nevertheless, synchronization between Notes object and Notes shape does not work properly in the Convertor. - Thanks to you, another small bug has been found in Convertor. - We will deal with it. CR # 47 005.